Friday, March 14, 2025

WELS Meltdown Madness - Another Version of LCMS, ELCA, ELS, Etc.

WELS - ELCA - LCMS. They have worked together, shared materials together, organized apostasy together with Thrivent, tried everything except faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God.

Some of the squawks and howls from WELS are listed below. They are all in the same sinking boat because they have nothing to offer except the latest management programs.
Mission Together is a program put together by WELS Congregational Services but is not listed on the WELS Congregational Services website; a reader shared this presentation and the associated Google Drive resources: a copy of a similar presentation, a document with the types of mergers, the process document. and a Bible study.

We're a post-Christian nation, and our synod has experienced exponential losses "But we're better than ELCA" so we got that going for us. We worship about 120,000 any given weekend out of the 330,000 on the books. By Hein's own admission, we are "the healthiest guy in the ICU." Our attendance is declining faster than the number of souls on the books.

Moving on to appearances, Hein said that small attendance "looks like death", and we need critical mass to "do ministry well." Less churches means more ministry, because a big box congregation can do more visible ministry than small ones, not only due to economies of scale (financially: less money spent on liability insurance, increased purchasing power, debt consolidation) but pastorally: assuming you have multiple pastors in the consolidation they have to write less sermons and can do more mission work.


Plenty of pastors, never mind the vacancies. 
We'd send half of them overseas if we could!

There are two of them from Nihilrule that go over the entire program. n-you-dont-serve.html n-2-mo-mission-mo.html


ELCA Leads on the Road to Perdition

  1. ELCA began 1-1-1988  - women were already ordained.
  2. ELCA voted gay-lesbian pastors/laity at the 2009 convention - where the cross was knocked down by a sudden storm.
  3. ELCA seminaries became gay-lesbian, including married men leading at United Lutheran Seminary.
  4. ELCA seminaries have all slashed their size and campus because of poor attendance.

Below - United Lutheran Seminary expelled the lady who was not lesbian enough to be president, so they replaced her with a genuine married couple, by ELCA standards.