Monday, August 6, 2007


Michigan Lutheran Seminary was taken off death row...for now. However, I expect the efforts to close MLS to accelerate. The first, loud comments about closing MLS started in the 1980's.

Item: Wayne Mueller is still the First VP.

Item: James Huebner, Fuller alumnus, is also a VP.

Item: The Curia at The Love Shack, 2929 N. Mayfair Road, is all Church Growth - Ron Roth, Hagedorn, etc.

Item: WELS is still broke and cannot face its doctrinal problems.

From now on, The Love Shack will say to Michigan - "Boost your offerings. We kept MLS open for you." And...

"Why can't you get more students at your school? If you can't do better, you will have to close."

The Love Shack has driven down enrollment at MLS. Knowing how WELS works, I imagine people will use a whispering campaign to keep students going to Luther Prep rather than MLS. "Biting off the nose to spite the face" is an unquenchable desire in WELS.

MLS will get a slight boost from Apaches being sent from Arizona, where Mueller/Gurgel shut down that high school.

Besides, they have driven prep tuition and board up to the level of a state university. Parents need a federal student loan program to get their children through high school.

When the Curia at The Love Shack went to school, prep tuition was easy to pay, college and seminary were inexpensive. They received all their tuition back upon graduation from seminary, so the shepherd could buy his new shepherdess some furniture for their parsonage. Now tuition is sky-high and there is no refund at ordination.

The destruction of the school system began during the Niagara Falls of funding from the Schwan Foundation. Where did all that money go?