Thursday, June 18, 2009

Holy Moly - Check Out This Blog

At Notre Dame, we agreed that St. Therese was "one sick chick."

Someone sent me this link. I was wondering why. I looked over the comments and the links. This hive is as Lutheran as The CORE, only in another Schwaermerish way.


First Mass.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

First Mass of the SSP Retreat

Monday was the first day of the third annual retreat of the Society of Saint Polycarp. The retreat is taking place this year at Holy Hill, a beautiful and scenic Carmelite monastery, just north of Milwaukee, and home of the renowned Basilica of Holy Hill & National Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians. Many thanks to the Discalced Carmelite community of Holy Hill, for welcoming us to their home this week. Tuesday and Wednesday will both begin with the Holy Mass, of course, yet the opening Mass Monday evening was special, for within the context of this eucharistic celebration, I was consecrated & made a Deacon. My service to Christ's Church as a Deacon will take the form of the traditional diaconal role in the Mass on Sundays at my home parish, St. Stephen's, where I will serve under the authority of the pastor, Fr. Timothy May, and will also no doubt take other forms, which we will work out in due time. These various forms of diaconal service will depend upon the needs of the people of the parish, my abilities, always a proper consideration for the rightful authority of the pastor, and the limitations of my time and resources. In the course of time, though, I will explicate my diaconal service here more fully. Father Larry Beane, Dean of the Society of Saint Polycarp, administered the rite, and he has my undying gratitude for his support and part in all of this.


GJ - ELDONA, The Little Sect That Could, is wandering in the same direction. Lutherans are reversing the Babtist error. As Luther pointed out, the Babtists of his day were like the man who stabbed his brother to death, trying to save him from an attacking bear. Now the Lutherans are going Roman/EO to save themselves from the Church Growth Movement.

B16 is grinning. "Oh those Missouri Lutherans," as the previous Antichrist supposedly said to Paul McCain, thrown back by Missouri's impressive witness.

On a clear day, you can see St. Louis.