Saturday, October 31, 2009

Two Study Bibles, Almost Identical Titles

Lutheran Study Bible
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lutheran Study Bible or The Lutheran Study Bible can refer to two different study bibles released in 2009 in the United States.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America released their Lutheran Study Bible on March 1 2009. It is published by Augsburg Fortress and uses the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.

The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod released their The Lutheran Study Bible on September 1, 2009. It is published by Concordia Publishing House and uses the English Standard Version of the Bible.


GJ - That is not very impressive, after ELCA and Missouri have spent so much time in bed together. One would hope a little pillow talk would resolve such issues. Let me guess - the two translations are almost identical. CPH has a lot of cash, I hear. Augie/Fortress is always on life support.