Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ad Fontes: Craig Groeschel Piped Into WELS Mission

Ski attended Catalyst, led by Babtist Stanley and Mainliner Groeschel.

Ski uses sermon themes from Groeschel, exclusively it seems. His sermons match up with (Groeschel).

Anonymous said...
Found at

@andrew_statezny that's awesome! love your stuff. thanks for the generosity. #free4church

Andrew's original tweet: is making their free resources in more video formats #free4church

Unbelievable. Openly admitting to using resources that have no business in a Lutheran church.



Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ad Fontes: Craig Groeschel Piped Into WELS Mission...":

i am a product of the wels schools from k-12. i can tell you for sure the problem is with ski.


GJ - WELS banned the shift key as an adiaphoron.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ad Fontes: Craig Groeschel Piped Into WELS Mission...":


Yes, they are openly admitting it. That is progress. 15 years ago, they denied Chruch Growth strategy in WELS. They renamed it and made it look like the Lutheran Church has been CG all the time.

I personally didn't know what to make of it years ago and just took a wait and see attitude even participating in what was not clearly, to me, a volatile thing. Now it is very out in the open and endorsed and like you see here, heterodox sources listed.

I heard a woman presenter at a woman's retreat give a textbook example and rally for introducing C&C, CGM into your church. Fuller Seinary/ Willow Creek all the way. It was disturbing to say the least. She listed all sorts of sources for video clips (even showed some, they were law oriented), that were from Willow Creek, and a few other online sources that were all from the new paradigm model now being heaped upon us in the name of evangelism.

The example above was the defining moment for me and the impetus for me to stop associating, assisting and unknowingly being party to the movement with my then wait and see attitude. It's here and probably to stay.

My theory is that the WELS C&C enthusiasts have enough momentum within these churches that there will be no chance for any break in fellowship or split. Because those who are very outspoken are so few in number. Laiety and leadership will not see the need to split, because CGM is a rather amorphous thing, it is getting harder to pin down and confusing for even the well read.

To me it's rather ironic that just a few years ago, we used to gufaw at the "Liberals" in ELCA with it's apostasy and denial of God's Word in so many ways. The ELCA crowd must just be howling with laughter saying, "glad you guys got on board finally. It's not so bad now is it?"

To me it's a sad commentary, but not all that unbelievable.

For those who are still undecided, when you see the light, just remember to "duck and cover."


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ad Fontes: Craig Groeschel Piped Into WELS Mission...":

If Ski can complete brainwashing in one day, anyone can.

Toxic Waste Rebuttal from Church and Chicanery

Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post ""Judge Us By Our Results" - WELS Church and Change...":

No wonder Mrs. Icky has a heart problem. It is filled with hatred much like the Ichabod faithless.


GJ - Perhaps she sees the evil alien inside each Church Shrinker, an Enthusiast who cannot admit what he really disbelieves.

"Judge Us By Our Results" - WELS Church and Change

Mrs. Ichabod suggested this logo for The CORE in Appleton.

Someone wanted Church and Change judged by its results. I am not sure who wrote that since both of them write anonymousely.

I am delighted to list Church and Change results, ever since the Church Growth Movement was sired at 2929 N. Mayfair Road - aka The Love Shack. Fuller Seminary gave birth to the bastard child but the doctrinal father remains painfully shy about his seminal role in this catastrophe:

  1. Mobridge Prep School was shut down in the West.
  2. The New Ulm prep was moved out of town, restarted at Prairie, fed millions of dollars, and converted to a prison when it was shut down.
  3. Lying about the total cost ($30 million?) and changes to the curriculum, the synod officials had DMLC take over Northwestern College, removing the Reformer's doctorate, creating Martin Luther College, which is now failing.
  4. Tuition was jacked up so fast that the synod lost a generation of students at the preps and college. Thank you, Wayne Mueller and Karl Gurgel.
  5. So three schools have been shut down. Is a pattern emerging? MLS will be next, and that should finish off MLC.

  6. David Valleskey, Fuller Seminary alumnus, joined the Sausage Factory, made VP, then president of the seminary, capping his career in Church Growth with one of the worst theology books ever written.

  7. James Radloff, Valleskey's classmate, became Mission Counselor (Fuller Seminary salesman) and the editor of the worst Lutheran publication ever - The Mission Counelor Newsletter.
  8. Paul Kuske, Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, and Roger Zehms launched Pilgrim Community Church in Columbus, where attendance peaked at 3 (three) people.
  9. Paul Kuske and Robert Mueller spawned CrossRoads Community Church in S. Lyons, Michigan, which is now Evangelical Covenant and very grateful to its three Church Growth WELS founding pastors: Rick Miller, Kelly Voigt, and Mark Freier.
  10. Coral Gate mission in Florida, where WELS tossed in tons of money, a huge staff, and actually built its only attractive first-unit ever - only to see their CG heroes run it into the ground. WELS sold the building to the Church of Rome. Wasn't Radloff the Mission Counselor in Florida? One couple said the only way to tell a Florida WELS church belonged to the synod was by the sign outside. Well, they changed that soon enough. See below.
  11. Following Kuske's lead, various congregations began springing up without the name Lutheran, absent that grow-blocking word WELS, and even devoid of church. Nota bene: see The CORE in A-town for the latest improvement in marketing the name. The same congregations also "downplay the Means of Grace," as Valleskey wrote famously about his Church Growth idols.
  12. Rock and Roll Lutheran Church, not far from Church and Chicanery Headquarters South, in VP Don Patterson's own suburb. The assistant for this tiny church gets a subsidized salary of $50,000, recently raised because we are living in hard times.
  13. Latte Lutheran Church in Wisconsin, with a female assistant pastor "administering the Means of Grace." Probably the Sausage Factory said, "At least we got them to mention the Means of Grace. That's a start."
  14. CrossWalk in Phoenix, where the female assistant gets a huge salary grant for doing Welcome Wagon work. I don't think the congregation has joined the synod, but why be legalistic?
  15. CrossSomething in Chicago.
  16. Time of Grace, the epicenter of Enthusiasm in WELS. They want to be linked from and all WELS congregations but Jeske is strangely silent about his affiliation on the air and his websty.
  17. The Church and Chicanery websty.
  18. The CORE websty.
  19. Keynote speaker Leonard Sweet, endorsed by Paul Calvin Kelm. Doctrinally speaking, that is the kiss of death.
  20. Kenote speaker Ed Stetzer, another Babtist loved by VP Don Patterson, aka SP-in-Waiting.
  21. Wisconsin Lutheran College (WELS only when fund-raising), which spawned Charis, which spawned Church and Chicanery, an academic center proud of inviting pedophile Archbishop Weakland--Church of Rome--as a featured speaker.
  22. Putting Reformed teachers like Larry Olson and Paul Kelm on permanent synod subsidy. Both have Church Growth DMin degrees.
  23. Doling out money to Church and Change disciples like Don Patterson, who has a ranch, a suburban home, and African safaris to enjoy, while denyin it to real missions.
  24. Shrinking the synod ever since they started.
  25. Devastating the synod finances while shrinking the synod and crushing the schools.
  26. Their version of Love Your Neighbor is definitely a result of their labor since 1977:
  27. Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post ""Judge Us By Our Results" - WELS Church and Change...":

    No wonder Mrs. Icky has a heart problem. It is filled with hatred much like the Ichabod faithless.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Wishful thinking on the knock down drag out part. We in WELS subscribe to Love the Lord your God and Love your neighbor as yourself. You seem to forget that part GJ. You see, God commands us to love our neighbor and if you don't do that, you don't love God.

    Now put that in your pipe and smoke it. BTW, are you sure your name isn't Richard?