Thursday, April 22, 2010

WELS Church Lady

An act of God - the Easter egg hunt was rained out.
Lutherans were egg-static.

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Brett Meyer Tries To Organize the Ball of Yarn Cal...":

If the powers that be think you can have a UOJ conference without the ichabodians knowing about it, they are sadly mistaken. We were on to them LONG before the conference. Why did Schleicher defend Kokomo?? Don't write a check that you can't cash. Bourman's essay? Where is it? Was he indeed the UOJ hold-out? Teaching Justification by Faith as noted in the Bible and BOC? Perhaps. Who knows, it could be just like the rest. Computer and technical errors do occur!

Hey, Five vicars will be assigned and guess what church in Austin is getting one. One lucky vicar will work alongside ex SP Gurgel. The four other assignments were worthy, Gods' blessings on those vicars and the congregations.

In Christ,
from WELS church lady