wistex (http://wistex.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Parlow Plagiarism":
First Ski, then Glende, and now Parlow. Or is it first Parlow, then Glende, then Ski? No matter.
DP Englebrecht, what are you going to do about this?
GJ - Your impertinent question is unloving and unbrotherly. DP Englebrecht will meet with the Fox Valley circuit and discipline:
1) Anyone caught writing his own sermons.
2) Anyone reading Ichabod.
Joseph Schmidt has left a new comment on your post "What Does DP Doug Plan To Do about the Plagiarism?...":
As a WELS member I anticipate the following will be done: absolutely nothing. The wolves will be allowed to continue the spread of their false doctrine and practice. If nothing has been done up to this point with all the facts so freely available to all and for so long a period I have very little hope that anything will be done.
GJ - I agree, Joseph. The members needed by WELS will go away and the faithful pastors will leave or get the Left Foot of Fellowship.