Monday, September 24, 2012

Tim Rossow Agrees with Ichabod,
But He Called JBFA Supporters "Morons"

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "The Slandering So-Called Slander-Victims of WELS":

Pastor Tim Rossow on how critique is not slander as some claim:

Pastor Tim Rossow: Theological critique is not slander. If it were, we would all have to change our name from Lutheran, because our namesake was the king of theological critique and indeed to a salutary end.

I have met Dr. Hartung, debated him, been encouraged by him, read dozens of his articles in the Reporter and I am convinced that his psychological and sociological approach to theolgy is deserving of critique.

The very notion of mistaking honest and edifying theological critique in this post and on this string for slander, is exhibit A of the need for such critique. It is the woosification of society and also church culture that has people being offended by the mere exchange of ideas. This woosification is a product of the psychologizing and sociologizing of culture and theology.

Wussification (or Woosification):

Brad Stine - The Wussification of America

Google: Wussification:


LPC has left a new comment on your post "Tim Rossow Agrees with Ichabod, But He Called JBFA...":

Indeed Rossow does call JBFA people morons. However, I would have believed him if he did not exhibit his own stupidity in display when he moderates his Steadfast Waltherian blog.