Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Here Is Thrivent - All Religions and No Religion.
They Manage the Tetzels Sent Out as Divinely Called Giving Counselors

"All roads lead to God," the apostates and
UOJ experts say.
"All truths are God's truth," the Thrivent
salesmen say, as they help Granny
sign away her lifetime of savings.

Thrivent sponsored this splendid stained glass window,
featuring all religions.
I am all choked up.

I would be laughing at everyone too if I could fake being a Lutheran pastor
while being the bagman for all four Lutheran sects at once -
ELCA, WELS, LCMS, and the Little Sect.
The CLC (sic) has their trotters in the trough too, but do not admit it.