Monday, November 4, 2013

Report on Ichabod Views - Sad for WELS - Good for the Gospel

This blows apart Jay Webber's UOJ claims,
but he never reads Luther.
Neither does his catechumen, Jon-Boy Buchholz.

A three-day total of page-views for this blog was almost 18,000.

The running 30-day total views is 105,000.

The October total was the highest ever--104,000--even higher than when Schroeder and Englelbrecht arranged the fake-firing of Ski, followed by Glende and staff taking a member to court for attending a parish meeting and speaking the truth.

Glende was practically laughed out of court for attempting a restraining order on his own member while whimpering about a blog in Arkansas. Mine? ROTFL.

And yet people ask, "Where do you get all the funny stuff for your blog?"

I just follow the Fox Valley Circuit of WELS.