Friday, August 15, 2014

Breaking News - Half of the WELS Congregations Will Close or Merge in the Next Few Years

Historic St. John Lutheran Church, Milwaukee.
WELS stole the property and the endowment.
It remains closed.
Sources close to the top revealed today that they expect half of the WELS congregations in the State of Wisconsin to merge or close in the next 10 years.

The demographics are obvious. Half of all the WELS lives in the state. Boomers are the ones with the income and the attendance, but they are leaving the congregations with their feet or shoulder high. If they stay, their retirement income is lower.

WELS wants their congregations to emphasize coffee bars
and rock entertainment.

We will not be able to confirm this story until the synod leaders officially deny it.

The WELS Answer Man will explain why their page says:
Frequently Axed Questions.
If you have questions, you do not belong.