Someone alerted me to another series of attacks on Facebook. The Pharisees do not like justification by faith, but they are too cowardly to address that directly.
Instead they find excuses to attack me, which I enjoy immensely, but they always fire away from under cover. Jack Kilcrease has done this while blocking me, so officially I cannot see his remarks.
Kilcrease erases his blundering remarks so much that "to kilcrease" is now synonymous with removing previous remarks because they have been refuted.
This time the thread on Facebook's WELS Discussions was started by Joel Lillo, intemperate supporter of Ski, Glende, and others equally inept. He actually imagined I could not read his comments.
A note for the criminally stupid - Facebook is public. Publishing on Facebook means everything is available. The company sells the data to make money. Nothing is secret. No one can publish on the Net and say "But that was hidden away!" and have any credibility. That is especially true of Facebook, a social gathering place, not a secret society like WELS' GA (HB).
I began posting some of their ridiculous statements, which united the trans-Jennered Samantha Lily Birner with Jay Webber and Joel Lillo. They were all in agreement, with Edith Shallert as a bonus.
The initial crime? I quoted a story verbatim from Out Sports, about a recent homosexual student at Martin Luther College, WELS. Joel Lillo, who has no problems with abusing a lady staff member (if Ski and Glende are at fault) or suing the victims in court (if Ski, Glende, and staff are doing this), but Lillo was outraged by my quoting an article, word for word, and giving the actual link for verification.
To find fault with this, Lillo had to wring out this objection. I actually put the references to WELS in bold print! How dare I! As Shakespeare (Oxford) says, "A little pot is soon hot." I do that for many articles, especially verbose ones, to show why it is relevant to the readers. Lillo should know that much, since he reads the blog daily, after swearing off many times.
Quoting them on this blog silenced the grace-filled wit of these WELS-ELS clowns. Righteous anger turned to fear. Now their eructations are immortal and no longer hidden from view.
John 3:19 KJV And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
Nota bene - which is Latin for Listen up! - The esteemed writers on Facebook's WELS Discussions had no problems agreeing with Samantha Lily, but they poured out their wrath on me. Participants threatened to leave the page forever if I participated, but they gladly link arms with Samantha Lily.
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