Wednesday, July 15, 2015

WELS GLBTQ Discussion Page Reads Ichabod Too - No Wonder the Page Views Total 5,500 in Two Days

Transfer to ELCA, where this was performed at their district meeting.

WELS GLTBQ Discussion Page on Facebook
According to Greg Jackson, guys dressing up in feminine clothing for comedic value like... influences people to be LGBT or something? I dunno, it's hard to find what his logic is in stuff.
Also, hurray for gratuitous use of the word "tranny." Cause using derogatory words while also calling yourself a pastor is the reasonable thing to do of course 
[GJ - How is trans-sexual derogatory? Why the self-loathing sarcasm?]

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From the WELS Discussions Page

Jeffery Clark I also knew Scott. He was a nice guy, but those of us who were in closer proximity (ie, same dorm) to him knew something was up, especially in that last semester, Andrea. Unfortunately, the atmosphere at MLC (and other synodical schools) tends to discourage people from getting help when they struggle with these kinds of issues. I remember quite vividly in our Literary Criticism class when Prof. Czer told us he would not be shocked if there were several dozen of our classmates at MLC who were gay. There have been several that have come out in the past five or so years.

Martin Luther College Students Point to Where the Library Is -
Shower Boy Video Star on Lower Right

If they cannot find the library, they are perfect for Mequon.

Tipping the Blackberries - Astonishing Ability To Root Themselves

Blackberries share a characteristic with roses and other bushes. Holding the branch down against the soil will make it form roots and a new plant. Of course I have a grassy weed that does the same, subtly, sneakily, invasively.

I met a rose gardener who used cuttings of roses to multiply the rose bush display in her yard. She had 100 bushes growing in her yard when we lived in Midland. She said she could not afford to buy all the roses she wanted. Rose gardeners can be a bit OCD.

I was going to tip the biggest blackberry when I found its trailing cane already against the soil. No wonder blackberries are rampant in the Northwest. I put a lump of wood on another cane to hold it down.. Each blackberry has mulch to keep the plant roots moist during this hot spell - 95 degrees and sunny for the next 10 days or so.

This is how I feel after digging a while,
only not so white.

Amazon Mulch
I use all the newspapers donated, but I am often short. One book suggested cardboard boxes, so I keep them for mulch too.

Today I spread out several boxes and positioned them around plants. I put shredded cyprus on top and watered them. Cardboard is thicker and faster to apply than newspapers.

Robins never lack earthworms in our yard.
Painting by Norma Boeckler.

WELS - Not ELCA - Is Leading the Pride Parade

Second Synod VP Voss, middle, posed with Scott Barefoot.
Richard Starr published his second book on homosexuality with Scott Barefoot.
DP John Seifert posed cheerfully with Scott Barefoot.
WELS happily publishes such photos. Proud?
Jeff Schone cross-dresses to fit in and be so cool.
But he kicks out students who think for themselves.

The Wisconsin Sect likes to carry on its holier than thou attitude, convincing themselves but not many others.

Putting together published facts, WELS seems far ahead of ELCA in all regards.

The Jeske-Patterson Crime Family has embraced Scott Barefoot.
Scott posed with Ski too.
Kudu Don is on the extreme left, as usual.

Stumped - New Chairs for the Birds and Squirrels.
Black and Blueberries Installed

This will cost about $100 at a store.
Build one from a kiddy pool for $10.

I was driving the normal route and passed a pile of tree remains, rather common lately. The storms have finished off some bigger trees, so people are cutting them up. We did the same with massive pruning, and I let go some perfect logs because a helper was giving them to a relative who never showed.

I spotted cut up sections and stopped the all-purpose Ichaboat, popped the  massive trunk lid, and looked for specimens. My first try reminded me how heavy tree sections could be. I grabbed two baby cylinders instead, and they probably weighed around 75 pounds each.

An ideal section would be heavy with all kinds of snaggles rising up from it. as bird perches. I built a bulb garden around one in New Ulm. The realtors showed up on the day that all the yellow bulbs were blooming in circles around the stump fragment feeder. They were dazzled.

The Jackson Bird Spa will probably merge with the Convention Center, as mulch and plants and pools create a noisy nucleus of bird and squirrel activity. That is where the stumps will go.

Birds and squirrels like stumps for their relative safety and view of the food. Squirrels will sit on a stump and eat, often after twitching around to make sure the coast is clear. Birds will make stopovers on a stump and look around for food on the ground.

The view out the bedroom window includes:

  1. The Jackson EZ Bird Swing, which holds birds most of the day.
  2. A snow-white Butterfly Bush in full bloom.
  3. A row of sunflowers facing us, all in bloom.
  4. Bee Balm flowers attracting bees and hummingbirds.
  5. The original Community Pool, where the starlings often bathe as a group.
  6. The Convention Center, where seed and water can be found.
  7. Suet close to the window, but all devoured again.
  8. The finch feeder next to the window, used only by small birds.
  9. The many bird baths and an extra pool at the Jackson Bird Spa, with suet feeders.
  10. Two blueberry bushes for the birds.
  11. Beautyberry and gooseberry for the various creatures.
  12. The rustic fence, which harbors toads and appeals to birds for perching, feeding, and preening.

The original view was:
Grass and trees.

Honeysuckle is another all-purpose creature feeder -
butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.
The is growing up the massive trunk of the dead tree we cut up.