Saturday, July 18, 2015

Grumpy Lutheran Is Back.
Barefoot in New Ulm

Scott Barefoot arranged this photo with the St. Paul Lutheran Church,
New Ulm, WELS staff.
Cross out Bendix on the right.

Dr. Jackson,

Yikes...another scandal (Pastor Bendix story)....

In reading this, I am reminded of what the British are said to have observed during World War 2 when the American Serviceman began to arrive in great numbers.

The problem with the Yanks is:
- They are overfed
- They are overpaid
- They are oversexed
-AND...they are over HERE.

Such a tragedy for his wife and two children, not to mention the congregation.

Another point i would make:

Most WELS pastors complain continually about how busy they are and how tight their finances are...

So here was a Pastor that had not only a congregation but also seemed to head some other organizations within the Synod, and he had the TIME to plan something like this, not to mention the COST?  Makes you, he was in one of the Holy Cities of the WELS (New Ulm).

Sometimes sin is not only ugly it is downright stupid.

Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.


P.S. Still no synodical schools closing !!!  



Dr. Jackson,

One other thing....

What does Scott Barefoot do?

It sounds like he is an admitted homosexual who is abstaining from homosexual activities and continuing to follow in the way of biblical Christianity.  That is very admirable, especially in today's society.

But does he have an official role within the WELS?  He seems to constantly be giving speeches...but about what?  Is he a WELS employee?

Just curious (and kind of confused).




WELS Tucson Campus Ministry invites you to join us forLeaving the Gay Lifestylepresented by WELS member Scott Barefoot.

In April, Scott Barefoot, a member of Grace Lutheran Church, Falls Church, Virginia, will be traveling to WELS congregations and schools in California and Arizona to discuss his struggle to overcome homosexuality and his efforts to help others that are struggling with the subject (either personally, or as a friend or family member of someone who is struggling).

Scott has written about this in the WELS magazine Forward in Christ, in the January 2008 and May 2010 issues ("My Cross to Bear" "Desperate for God").

Scott will be sharing his story and message with us in an interactive discussion-style format at Grace-University on Sunday, April 29 at 7:00 PM.

Join us at 6:00 PM in the Grace-University Fellowship Hall for a lasagna dinner before Scott's presentation. Please RSVP for the dinner using the form below or by calling the Church Office at 520-623-6633. A freewill donation will be accepted to help defray the cost of the dinner.


Scott has written about this, “My Cross to Bear,” and “Desperate for God”  in the WELS magazine Forward in Christ, January 2008 & May 2010 issues.  Over the past several years, he has traveled extensively, sharing his story with many WELS & ELS congregations, pastors’ conferences, high schools, colleges, and seminaries.


I grew-up in a conservative Christian (Lutheran – WELS) home, and during my teenage years began struggling with same-sex-attractions. That subsequently led to me choosing to embrace-live a homosexual lifestyle for over a decade beginning in my early 20s. By the Grace of God, I was subsequently led to repentance and out of that lifestyle. Since that time, I have written about my experiences both during and following that period of my life (magazine articles and a book). I have traveled around the country speaking on this subject with over a hundred church congregations, high schools, colleges, seminaries, pastors’ conferences, and with both adult and youth ministry rallies.
Back in 2009, I saw a need to share my message and information with others on-line and formed the People of Grace website. Later, a confidential support group area was added to website for others that also struggled with unwanted same-sex-attraction issues. In 2015, People of Grace became officially incorporated as a not-for-profit organization.
When not working with the People of Grace Organization, my regular / full-time job is as a Fire Alarm System Designer for a large electrical contractor in the Metropolitan Washington, DC area.
Jeff Schone, Martin Luther College, WELS, dean
tries out drag.

GJ - I am confused, too. Scott Barefoot constantly promotes his speaking engagements at congregations all over WELS, publishing his photos with various clergy and District Presidents (Seifert and Patterson). But he considers posting those photos to be "stalking" - contradicting his own self promotion on Facebook.

Mark Schroeder always advises writing a letter, so they can start excommunication procedures. That would be my suggestion, because there is no grimmer or more abusive prison than WELS.

WELS published this photo of Jeff Schone speaking at the convention.




GJ -  am confused, too. Scott Barefoot constantly promotes his speaking engagements at congregatoins (SIC!!!!!!!) all over WELS, publishing his photos with various clergy and District Presidents (Seifert and Patterson). But he considers posting those photos to be "stalking" - contradicting his own self promotion on Facebook.


I guess that means you're an idiot.


GJ - Thanks for being a daily reader, Joel. You contribute to the 1,000,000 views a year I get. The pathetic copy-cat blog from the Fox Valley Tailhook Circuit - how long did that coprophilic effort last?

New Food, New Bird Calls in the Creation Garden.
Walmart Sale on Kiddie Pools - $3.50

Ann Geddes photography.

I tried a combination bird food, which has sunflower seeds, nuts, grains, and fruit. Although many birds love sunflower seeds, the variations increase the selection of birds.

I put out the new seed and I heard two new birds calling back and forth, antiphonally. I am anxious to spot the newcomers.

The newly installed stumps brought a male and female cardinal down to eat near me. Normally they are extremely shy, especially the male cardinal. Now I hear them "chit, chit, chit" happily as I do my feeding rounds.

By Norma Boeckler

I went to the meat market to buy suet for the birds and meat for Team Jackson. I asked for seven pounds of suet. I could see the butcher reach seven pounds and have another lump in his hands. I said, "Throw that on, too. What can you do with a handful of suet, have a clearance sale?"

The suet was enough for the two massive feeders, one smaller feeder, with extra bits on the table and stumps. Our bird activity went down a bit when the starlings were no longer feeding on the suet all day. Their activity and noise alerts the other creatures to look over the food.

Walmart had a sale on kiddie pools, which are mostly gone - now that the temperatures are 95 degrees, with a Real Feel of 212 F. Some will wonder, "Why a third pool for the birds?" I could not leave them alone for $3.50.  I am a late season vulture, looking for next year's needs at fire sale prices, and for extras at equally low prices. I can buy stepping stones for the garden for a fraction of the cost they will be in spring - at least I hope so.

Thanks to the weather, the backbone leaves gardeners in mid-July.

  • Gardening centers are thinly populated and the plants look stressed, baking hot in the sun, with little help from being hosed down in their root-bound pots. I almost had to put my foot through the pot to get the Black-Eyed Susan out of its container. 
  • A little bit of work is fun, but even the early morning is heavy with humidity. 
  • Gardening mistakes or oversights make some labor painful, not like the pre-planting hopeful and dreaming season.

Sassy went on her evening walk last night, once it was cooler. Our distant neighbor, who lost a foot to infection, was outside with her adult daughter. She said, "Hi Sassy. We have a lot in common. We both lost a leg." Sassy wiggled up to her for some love. We talked a little while. When we were saying goodbye, Sassy went back for more love and approached the daughter. Sassy got petted even more and enjoyed that. Then we went back home.

Today Sassy will see all the grandchildren and enjoy extras from the grill. In the afternoon she will sleep soundly from the food and fun.

The blueberries are planted and the blackberries have a little fruit on them.