Thursday, November 30, 2017

The First Feast - LCMS Clergy Join Eastern Orthodoxy

 ELDONA definitely expresses the spirit of Ft. Wayne,
smells and bells are the Chief Article:
everything else is negotiable.

The First Feast:

"The First Feast
For those who don’t know yet, our family is joining the Orthodox Church.  I just realized not too long ago that the church year for the Orthodox just began at the first of the month, and the first feast of the year is today when we commemorate the Nativity of the Theotokos (or in layman’s terms… Mary’s birthday )"

Start your own diocese, stealth-like, low church.

Go full Episcopalian later.

 We'll get to the Chief Article after we jettison Rolf Preus.

'via Blog this'


GJ - Apparently both LCMS seminaries are rife with Romanism and Eastern Orthodoxy. As one Ft. Wayne graduate wrote to me, "Eastern Orthodoxy is just a different polity." All the Ft. Wayne graduates do their best to prove to me how little they know about doctrine, comp dog, and the Scriptures.

I will say this for the Eastern Orthodox, they are friendly and welcoming. The priest who bought Glende's church in Illinois began a friendly dialogue with me, instead of being nasty, superior, and oafish (LCMS-WELS evangelism methods).

The Glende bunch began a toxic, anonymous blog against me - that is how they view outreach. They have no doctrine and steal their methods from the Pentecostals and used car salesmen, so that leaves them bereft of anything sound or edifying.

 Glende left two thriving congregations in Illinois -
one is Eastern Orthodox (Bethlehem -  the original, paid for church).The other is Babtist and already adding on, even though Glende skipped town before it was finished building.
That is how WELS evangelism is so much like LCMS outreach - totally incompetent and wasteful.

 Glende's abandoned new church is thriving because they teach the Gospel
instead of the UOJ anti-Gospel.