Friday, July 21, 2017

Classic Ichabod from 2007 - Megatron Info on Church Growth In WELS

Wendlands Love Church Growth Dogma
"The publication TELL ('The Evangelism Life Line') has been inaugurated to promote the cause of church growth." Ernst H. Wendland, "Church Growth Theology," Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, April, 1981, 78, p. 105.

"In the light of church growth principles as they are promulgated in many mission schools these days, the question naturally arises as to whether or not our approach to world mission work is in need of reassessment or improvement." Ernst H. Wendland, "Church Growth Theology," Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, April, 1981, 78, p. 108.

"TELL has served the church faithfully for 15 years. Three editors have served; Ronald Roth (1977-84), Paul Kelm (1985-88), and the undersigned since 1989...The lead article in the first issue of TELL was titled 'Church Growth - Worthwhile for WELS.'...The author of this article in April 1988 issue of TELL concludes, 'It's obvious by now that I believe we in WELS can profit greatly from the writings of the church-growth leaders.' ... TELL as a separate publication ends with this issue. Nevertheless, the focus of The Evangelism Life Line will continue for years to come as an integral part of the new Board for Parish Services journal - PARISH LEADERSHIP.
Rev. Robert Hartman TELL (WELS Evangelism) Summer, 1992.

LPR 46 from St. Paul's attended the Win Arn Church Growth seminar, including Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, George Skestos, Vicar Mike Nitz, etc. March and April, 1985.

LPR/St. Paul's "IT'S COLOSSAL! IT'S GIGANTIC! IT'S SPECTACULAR! A PERSONAL NOTE FROM WM. J. BRITTON, RE: CHURCH GROWTH SEMINAR, FEB. 24-25, 1985. Registration is 347! We prayed for response - the Lord gave it to us!...Win Arn says, 'We are not here to make you work harder, but only to help you work smarter.'" CG Conference, attended by St. Paul, Columbus, members and pastor.

LPR Letter from Pastor William J. Britton, Zion (LCMS), Columbus, inviting St. Paul's to participate in an on-going Church Growth program. Pastor William J. Britton, April, 1985.

"In the autumn of 1985 and the winter of 1985-1986, a truly momentous step was taken by the five Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) congregations in the metropolitan area of Columbus, Ohio. The five pastors and lay representatives of those churches organized and incorporated Lutheran Parish Resources, Inc., the first Church Growth institute in the WELS." David G. Peters, "Lutheran Parish Resources: Pilot Program in Church Growth," Mequon: Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, April 27, 1987 p. 1.

LPR/Publisher "Lutheran Parish Resources, Inc. (LPR) is dedicated to the concepts of the Church Growth movement only insofar as they agree with the Scriptures and as taught by the WELS--that is, Church Growth with Lutheran theology rather than Evangelical, and without the typical Church Growth emphasis on quantitative measurement of growth. Kent R. Hunter's definition of 'Church Growth' justifies the use of this term in describing LPR: 'Church Growth: That science which investigates the nature, function and health of Christian churches as they relate specifically to the effective implementation of God's commission to make disciples of all peoples (Matt. 28:19). Church Growth is simultaneously a theological conviction and an applied science,....' Foundations for Church Growth, p. 187.
David G. Peters, "Lutheran Parish Resources: Pilot Program in Church Growth," Mequon: Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, April 27, 1987 p. 1.

LPR/Stolzenburg "We have discovered that the Early Church was an institution that unknowingly saw its world through Church Growth eyes. We have some benefits they did not have in that we can look back today and analyze their successes and failures."
Floyd L. Stolzenburg, "Church Growth - the Acts of the Apostles," Taught at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Columbus, Ohio LPR/Stolzenburg

"As you read, pick out the principles of Church Growth in this "FOCUS ON A GREAT CHURCH" (Acts 11:19-30)...11:26 tells us this studies the Word 'in great numbers.' How can we improve our numbers?"
Floyd L. Stolzenburg, "Church Growth - the Acts of the Apostles," Taught at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Columbus, Ohio January, 1986

LPR/Stolzenburg "He has served as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in St. Charles, Missouri and Senior Pastor of Salem Lutheran Church in Florissant, Missouri...He is trained in the Bethel Bible Series, Church Growth program and Dialogue Evangelism. As a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Columbus, he now seeks a different form of Christian service, outside the pastoral office." Floyd L. Stolzenburg, "The Homewood Church Enrichment Program,"

"WELCOME TO CHURCH GROWTH. Our study is designed to help all of us gain a new perspective of what God has always had in mind for His Church. Church Growth is not new."
Floyd L. Stolzenburg, "What the Bible Says about CHURCH GROWTH," Taught at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Columbus, Ohio p. 1.

"CHURCH GROWTH. This program was basically the beginning of L.P.R. at St. Paul's. Certainly a church growth consciousness exists in all of the congregations which was not there four years ago. It is also evident that most of the congregations are not really willing to make church growth a major priority of their ministry. Some new people who visit our churches are turned off by the comments of church members. It would seem that many members will 'tolerate' growth if it does not upset the church's traditions." Floyd Stolzenburg, Consultant's Annual Report, 1-12-89 Lutheran Parish Resources.

“A half-hour film entitled 'See You Sunday' shows the problem and solution in a credible case history. Anguish and humor accompany the efforts of Church and Diane Bradley to keep their newly-won friends from dropping out of the church. This is one film in a series of six available from:
Church Growth 709 E. Colorado Blvd. #150 Pasadena, CA 91101. It rents for $42.00. "On the Subject of Incorporating Members," The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Winter, 1985, p. 8.

"This downplaying of the importance of the means of grace on the part of many in the Church Growth Movement would seem to stem from several factors." [That is like saying that many Lutherans downplay the infallibility of the pope.]
David J. Valleskey, "The Church Growth Movement: An Evaluation," Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, Spring, 1991 88, p. 105. Holidaysburg, 10-15-90. GJ - Valleskey literally double-timed away from me when I went to talk to him, yet complained dishonestly that I never talked to him about his false doctrine and attendance at Fuller. I also sat at dinner with him, but his CG buddy interrupted constantly to protect Valleskey.

Spoiling the Egyptians "Yet this writer is confident we won't go astray in adopting a 'spoiling the Egyptians' approach to the various Church Growth Movement sociological principles and the research that produced them."
David J. Valleskey, "The Church Growth Movement: An Evaluation," Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, Spring, 1991 88, p. 116. Exodus 12:36. [GJ - Spoiling the Egyptians is from CG guru Larry Crab, who borrowed it from Augustine.]

"Not that Word and Sacrament are ineffective in incorporating new souls into our fellowship. Not at all! But according to some serious Church Growth studies, as many as one-third of the people gained for protestant church membership today do not feel they really belong."
David N. Rutschow, The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Winter, 1985, p. 3.

NASCG Lutheran members of the North American Society for Church Growth: Harold S. Drageger, Grace Lutheran, Visalia, CA; Bradley Hoefs, King of Kings Lutheran, Omaha, NE; Kent Hunter, Church Growth Center, Corunna, IN; Elmer Matthias, Emeritus Concordia St. Louis, MO; Dale Olson, Cross of Hope Lutheran, Ramsey, MN; Waldo J. Werning, Stewardship Growth Center, Ft. Wayne, IN; Gregory L. Jackson (mole), Columbus, OH.
Doris M. Wagner, Fuller Theological Seminary, December 10, 1991

CG Principles John H. Yoder, my dissertation advisor at Notre Dame, really went after Church Growth, quoted by Wendland.
Ernst H. Wendland, "Church Growth Theology," Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, April, 1981, 78, p. 112f.

Waldo Werning "There are other church growth programs which have been developed along more conservative lines. Here we are thinking of adaptations of McGavran's principles such as developed by Waldo J. Werning of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. In his study entitled "Vision and Strategy for Church Growth" Werning has modified some of McGavran's extreme positions. Using some of his own adaptations Werning has conducted many seminars and workshops in applying church growth principles to a local congregational setting in America." [Werning is Who's Who in Church Growth]
Ernst H. Wendland, "Church Growth Theology," Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, April, 1981, 78, p. 117.

Donald McGavran "Dr. Donald McGavran, Dean Emeritus and Senior Professor of Mission at the Institute of Church Growth, Pasadena, California, is very much concerned about the Two Billion. He severely censures the leaders of the World Council of Churches as having 'betrayed the Two Billion.'
Ernst H. Wendland, "Missiology--and the Two Billion," Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, January, 1974 71, p. 9.

"Recently we had opportunity to read a book written by Dr. George W. Peters, Professor of World Missions at Dallas Theological Seminary, who is also a leading spokesman for the Evangelicals." [Note: Peters is Who's Who in Church Growth]
Ernst H. Wendland, "Missiology--and the Two Billion," Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, January, 1974 71, p. 14.

Read false teachers for sound doctrine, says Kelm.
Luther? Luther? Anyone? Anyone?


"A number of experts on church growth principles added muscle to the conference. Among the experts were George Barna, George Gallup Jr., Lyle Schaller, and Tom Sine--icons in the church growth movement...Of the four church growth experts mentioned above, I have heard three of them speak at some length." [On opposing page, letter about Church Growth which Wayne Mueller answered]
James P. Schaefer, The Northwestern Lutheran, October 15, 1991, p. 363.

"I share the judgment of Prof. David Valleskey that one 'can probably pick up a few helpful hints' from the church growth folks." [On opposing page, letter which Wayne Mueller answered]
James P. Schaefer The Northwestern Lutheran, October 15, 1991, p. 363. e May 15, 1991 NWL Valleskey article

Olson/McGavran "Donald C. McGavran died at home in Altadena, California, on July 10, 1990. He was 92 years old. Dr. McGavran is widely recognized as the founder of the church growth movement, a movement which has sought to put the social sciences at the service of theology in order to foster the growth of the church. In August of 1989 I borrowed a bicycle and pedaled several miles uphill up from Pasadena to Altadena. I found Dr. McGavran in his front yard with a hose in hand, watering flowers."
Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "See How It Grows: Perspectives on Growth and the Church," EVANGELISM, February, 1991, Professor, Martin Luther College (WELS), p. 1.

Olson/McGavran "The church growth movement has made inroads into nearly every denomination in America. Once considered only the turf of conservative evangelicals, you will now find church growth practitioners in the United Methodist Church, in the Presbyterian Church in the USA, and among the Episcopalians. The LCMS has more pastors enrolled in the Doctor of Ministry program at Fuller Theological Seminary, the seedbed of the movement, than are enrolled in the graduate programs at their Fort Wayne and St. Louis seminaries combined, and most of them include church growth as part of their studies."
Lawrence Otto Olson, D. Min., Fuller Seminary, "See How It Grows: Perspectives on Growth and the Church," EVANGELISM, February, 1991, Parish Consultant for the WELS Board of Parish Services and his district's Coordinator of Evangelism. p. 1.

"What do people mean when they talk about effective church growth principles? Do we make God's kingdom come? 'God's kingdom certainly comes by itself,' Luther wrote. Ours is to sow the seed. We hamper the kingdom if we sow carelessly or if we do not sow at all. But we do not make it grow."
Mark Braun, The Growing Seed, What Do People Mean When They Talk about Effective Church Growth Principles? The Northwestern Lutheran, September 1, 1991, p. 300. Mark 4:26-29. GJ - Reverse the point of the parable and publish it - pure CG dogma.

DP Mueller "Several of our brothers have been warning us to be careful about the leaven of The Church Growth Movement and the insidious Reformed doctrine contained within. Not a few of us have heard their warning and have thought to counter the danger by saying we will weed out the erroneous material and use only that which is proper and beneficial to the Lord's work in our congregations. Fellow-shepherds, there is some evidence to show that that is exactly what the devils wants us to think. That seems to be used to lull us and our members into sleep, and without our intending it, the soul-harming false doctrines creep in undetected, under the guise of religious printed materials and programs." Michigan District President Robert Mueller, (WELS), "President's Report to the Conferences, Spring, 1991, p. 2.

George Barna "Marketing churches to reach people is consistent with biblical principles and doesn't mean the message needs to be watered down or compromised, according to researcher George Barna...Church growth is primarily accomplished by word of mouth. Barna advised clergy to see themselves as cheerleaders rather than leaders, as laypeople carry out the practical marketing of the church."
News From Around the World, The Northwestern Lutheran, November 15, 1991 p. 395. GJ - I don't remember cheerleaders from the Gospel of John.

Robert Preus "Please display this [Team Evangelism, Church Growth] prominently. The WELS is more committed to the church growth movement than LCMS."
Note from Robert Preus to Herman Otten, Church Growth Institute P. O. Box 4404, Lynchburg, VA 24502 1-800-553-GROW School of Outreach IV

"'Church growth.' I've seen people cringe when they hear those words. I think I know why. They react negatively because they feel 'church growth' implies an obsessive fixation with numbers and statistics." Pastor James Huebner, Spiritual Renewal Consultant, Notebook, School of Outreach IV, Seventeen Ways to Keep Your Church from Growing, p. 178. School of Outreach IV. (GJ - Huebner is now a synod VP!)

"We can't do a thing to make his Word more effective. But surely we can detract from its effectiveness by careless errors and poor judgment. It just makes good sense to utilize all of our God-given talents, to scour the field for appropriate ideas, concepts, and material (sic), to implement programs, methods, and techniques so that we do not detract from the effectiveness of the gospel we proclaim. Church growth articles, books, seminars, and conferences can offer such ideas and programs." Pastor James Huebner, Spiritual Renewal Consultant, Notebook, School of Outreach IV, Seventeen Ways to Keep Your Church from Growing, p. 178. GJ - This is Reformed false doctrine.

Phoning "Resources mentioned in this 'Bulletin' are available from CHURCH GROWTH, 709 E. Colorado Blvd. #150, Pasadena, CA 91101. Or call 1-800-423-4844." Pastor Jim Radloff, Mission Counsellor Newsletter, Austin, Texas, May, 1988 Types of Groups "Types of Home Groups, by Karen Hurston (Church Growth Assoc.), from material by Bob Fulton. Copied with the permission of Charles Arn."
Pastor Jim Radloff, editor WELS Mission Counselors' Newsletter, Oct., '91, 2929 Mayfair Road, Milwaukee, WI 53222 p. 11. GJ - This publication surpassed TELL in gushing Dreck into WELS. Radloff was a classmate of Valleskey.

Yes, there is Radloff with Thundershorts
and the DP/child molester Edward Werner.
Ed Werner did not age well in the state prison.

"The dynamics of assimilation into active church membership have very little to do with theological issues. Rather, a new members' class should focus primarily on relational issues of involvement and belonging." (Defining an Assimilated Member, by Charles Arn, copied with permission from EVANGELISM, 12800 North Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI, 53092. Annual subscription rate for EVANGELISM is $12...Charles Arn is Vice President of Church Growth, Inc. in Monrovia, Ca.)
Pastor Jim Radloff, editor WELS Mission Counselors' Newsletter, Oct., '91, 2929 Mayfair Road, Milwaukee, WI 53222 p. 150.

Kelm "Church growth theory suggests the need for seven fellowship groups for every 100 members."
Pastor Paul E. Kelm, The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Winter, 1985, p. 4.

"Assignments:...2. Prepare a term paper on the subject of evangelism and/or church growth." Prof. David J. Valleskey, Class Notes, The Theology and Practice of Evangelism, PT 358A p. 3. "Introduction to the Church Growth Movement by Lutheran authors, Hunter, Kent R., Foundations for Church Growth (New Haven, MO: Leader Publishing Co., 1983) - the author, an LC-MS clergyman who has now set up his own church growth consulting service, performs the valuable service in this 204 page book of presenting an introduction to church growth goals and terminology.
Werning, Waldo, Vision and Strategy for Church Growth, (Chicago: Moody Press, 1977) –

Werning, active for years in LC-MS stewardship work, explains the foundations, presuppositions and principles of church growth and then shows how a congregation can benefit from making use of certain church growth principles - of the two books listed in this category, Werning's is the more practical." Prof. David J. Valleskey, Class Notes, The Theology and Practice of Evangelism, PT 358A p. 6. GJ - And yet Valleskey claimed to be a Church Growth virgin, forced by the synod to study it. But he found CG full of priceless gems, gold, and silver. 

"Useful Ideas for My Ministry from the Church Growth Movement...The Church Growth Movement--Strengths and Weaknesses...The Church Growth Movement--An Evaluation...Church Growth Sounds Good, But...Dangers of the Church Growth Movement...Friendship Evangelism...Rationale for Friendship Evangelism..." Prof. David J. Valleskey, Class Notes, The Theology and Practice of Evangelism, PT 358A

Serendipity "In an article on the small group movement, J. A. Gorman notes that 'both the Church Growth Institute of Fuller Seminary and the American Institute of Church Growth became centers for influencing the use of this means for evangelizing." (Christian Education, Moody Press, 1991, pp. 509, 510)
Prof. David Kuske, "Home Bible Study Groups in the 1990s," Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, Spring, 1994. p. 126.

Bob: "..I'd like to share with you a book I came across the other day. It's interesting, easy to read, and may be the answer to our problem..." [Could this be the Bible, The Book of Concord, What Luther Says?] "Its title is Your Church Can Grow, and it's filled with all sorts of practical hints that could help us turn things around here." Author: "Bob didn't realize it at the time, but in his browsing he had stumbled upon one of many similar books written from the perspective of the church growth movement, books with such titles as How to Grow a Church, Ten Steps for Church Growth, Church Growth: Strategies that Work, and Leading Your Church to Growth."
Prof. David Valleskey, "The Church Growth Movement, Just Gathering People or Building the Church?" The Northwestern Lutheran, May 5, 1991, p. 184.

"For several years I've been a Pete Wagner fan. Although I don't see eye to eye with him on many important theological points (he approves of faith healing and speaking in tongues as long as it promotes church growth and he comes from a Billy Graham decision for conversion doctrinal background), he is the most eloquent spokesman of the Church Growth Movement. A prolific author on mission/evangelism/church growth subjects, Wagner is also an excellent teacher and a crystal clear writer." Reuel J. Schulz The Evangelism Life Line (WELS) Winter, 1980,

"Neither things (sic) I shared with you nor any of my writings, published or not, substantiate the implications that I am an advocate of Church Growth theology. I did attend a Pasadena forum on Church Growth featuring Win Arn and others...I therefore request a public apology from you for making an unfounded accusation against me based on the fact that I attended a Church Growth conference. My attendance is no greater proof (by association) of my alleged Church Growth advocacy than your attendance at and degree from Notre Dame is proof of your acceptance of Roman Catholic heresy!"
Rev. Norman W. Berg, WELS, former mission board chairman. Letter to Gregory L. Jackson, 3-27-96.

Lutheran Forum Cover: "Evangelism and the Church Growth Movement," Rev. Richard J. Neuhaus, Lutheran Forum, "What's Really Wrong with the Church Growth Movement: The Lutheran Difference," August, 1990 pp. 18-24.

"Then there is the church growth movement, which has made more devastating headway in LCMS than in ELCA (although it is evident enough in the latter). Today, it is said, Missouri has three seminaries-- St. Louis, Ft Wayne, and Fuller Seminary in California, the hothouse of church growth enthusiasms. The synodical and district mission offices are frequently controlled by church growth technocrats...But the idea that Word and Sacrament ministry is somehow validated by calculable results is utterly alien to the Lutheran Reformation...The triumph of style over substance, however, is all too evident in LCMS congregations that look like Baptists with vestments. As we have noted before, second-rate Lutherans make fourth-rate Baptists."
Rev. Richard Neuhaus, (ELCA at the time), Forum Letter, 338 E 19th Street New York, NY 10003 November 26, 1989 p. 2.

"If we have abundance of money to support new programs of the synod, ranging from the controversial Church Growth Movement Program to our Mass Media Ministry, surely we should be able to find some funds for our Indian brothers and sisters in Christ." Robert F. Koester, Lakeville, Indiana, Letter, "Saving Souls vs. New Programs,
The Northwestern Lutheran, October 15, 1991 p. 362.

School of Outreach IV "Types of Groups...This table relies on information from Eddie Gibbs. I Believe in Church Growth, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982, pp. 275-279." School of Outreach IV, Notebook, WELS Evangelism Commission p. 51. Eddie Gibbs is (Who's Who in Church Growth) School of Outreach IV "How do we get there (Resources)...1. Book (3 ring binder): Facing the Facts for Church Growth by Diane Barber and Kent R. Hunter, a step by step manual for understanding 'all you ever wanted to know and more' about the nature of graphs...This is a very good resource...Order from the Church Growth Center."
School of Outreach IV, Notebook, WELS Evangelism Commission p. B-5. Kent Hunter is (Who's Who in Church Growth) School of Outreach IV

"For the Love of Pete is an excellent overview of the entire friendship witnessing process and is recommended for use with the workshop or as a follow-up too...from Church Growth, Pasadena, California." School of Outreach IV, Notebook, WELS Evangelism Commission p. B-5. n is in (Who's Who in Church Growth) School of Outreach IV "PRINCIPLES OF GROWING CHURCHES - APPLIED TO THE LARGE CHURCH. 1. Church growth begins with a desire, commitment, and expectation for growth on the part of the pastor and lay leadership. The pastor and congregation must want to grow and be willing to sacrifice for growth. The congregation has a mission statement."
School of Outreach IV, Notebook, The Large Church, WELS Evangelism Commission p. 45.

Waldo Werning "I would not say this publicly, but I will tell privately that I received a phone call from a WELS pastor who said that some claim that there are several WELS pastors in your Circuit who are into church management and some kind of church growth (and possibly even funded by some agencies) and that some believe that you are trying to get at them and a few others in WELS, and that is why you are writing the articles. Whatever the facts are, your entering into this fray, it seems to me, will not open up channels for God to use your very good talents in WELS in profitable ways."
Waldo J. Werning, Letter to Gregory Jackson, August 23, 1989 (Letter stamped in red: CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL)

Wayne Mueller "There is no Church Growth Movement Program in our synod. Our church body is opposed to the false theology of the Church Growth Movement. We have no programs inside or outside the budget with that name. Nor do we have any programs with a different name which utilize Church Growth theology." Wayne D. Mueller, Administrator for the BPS, WELS, "A Response to 'Saving Souls vs. New Programs,'" The Northwestern Lutheran, November 1, 1991, February 1, 1992 p. 50.

Eve Mueller

Adam Mueller and fellow travelers.

Now Look at What Wayne Also Wrote!
Wayne Mueller "There may be pastors or congregations which use methodology which church growth people use. This does not mean they have adopted the theology of the Church Growth Movement. Our Lutheran Confessions allow complete freedom among our churches in methodology that does not conflict with the gospel."
Wayne D. Mueller, Administrator, Parish Services, "A Response to 'Saving Souls' vs.'New Programs,'" The Northwestern Lutheran, February 1, 1992 p. 50.

School of Outreach IV "Every congregation of the WELS was provided a TRACT CATALOG reviewing tracts from CTM, ATS, ACTS and IBS at the 'Getting Everyone Involved' District Evangelism Worships held in '89." [Note: George Barna, Who's Who in Church Growth, is on the board of ACTS. Faith, Prayer and Tract League, recommended on the same page, offers decision theology: Grand Rapids, 1-616-453-7695] WELS Notebook, School of Outreach IV, p. 223. Types of Groups "Types of Home Groups, by Karen Hurston (Church Growth Assoc.), from material by Bob Fulton." WELS Campus Pastors, Small Group Training Conference, Jan. 7-9, 1991, Madison. p. 10.

Evangelism Wkshop IV "RESOURCES AVAILABLE...CALLING IN LOVE; A HANDBOOK FOR THE TELEPHONE OUTREACH. Order from Church Growth, Inc...Monrovia, CA, 1-800-423-4844...Evaluation: It offers almost everything you will need to know when it comes to using the telephone for outreach."
WELS Evangelism Workshop IV, LOCATING THE LOST, p. 53. Evangelism Wkshop IV

"THE EXPANDED PHONE'S FOR YOU! by Norman W. Whan. Order from Church Growth Development International...Cost $229." [The original version, which was copied verbatim by WELS mission congregations, had a deceptive dialogue script for phoning and brochures which suggested joining the church "to meet new friends, develop self-confidence..."]
WELS Evangelism Workshop IV, LOCATING THE LOST, p. 55. Evangelism Wkshop IV

"The role of worship seen by the Church Growth movement is not the same role of worship understood by the Lutheran Confessions. This must be said from the beginning in order to be fair to both the Lutheran Confessions and the modern Church Growth movement. My paper is indebted to Dr. David Leucke on this point and I am confident that his Evangelical Style and Lutheran Substance will be an invaluable aid to this discussion. Leucke has offered an indepth review of what principles can be identified in the newer, faster growing churches which have been studied by the Church Growth movement."
WELS Evangelism Workshop IV, LOCATING THE LOST, Larry A. Peters, "Lutheran Worship and Church Growth," LCMS Commission on Worship, p. E-1.

Evangelism Wkshop IV "Some in the Church Growth movement have challenged Lutherans to give up their 'style' while keeping their 'substance.'...How can we utilize the Church Growth movement to help us reach out with the Gospel without changing the basic definition of what it means to be Lutheran?"
WELS Evangelism Workshop IV, LOCATING THE LOST, Larry A. Peters, "Lutheran Worship and Church Growth," LCMS Commission on Worship, p. E-2.

Evangelism Wkshop IV "Some active in the Church Growth movement have allowed that Lutheran worship is at best a neutral factor; and more often, a hindrance to the growth and outreach of a Lutheran congregation."
WELS Evangelism Workshop IV, LOCATING THE LOST, Larry A. Peters, "Lutheran Worship and Church Growth," LCMS Commission on Worship, p. E-4.

Aderman is back.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Breaking News - Aderman Is Back in His Parish and Doing a Ten-Article Series in Forward in Christ

If you kiss enough frogs, they sometimes kiss back.

"When was the last time you kissed a frog?...'Lifestyle Evangelism and Follow-up,' a Navigator video seminar for the church, makes a solid case for Christian frog kissing as a way of life."
James A. Aderman, The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Summer, 1986 p. 2.

News flash 

Church Shrinker Jim Aderman, recently "retired" after shrinking Fairview in half, has just announced his "unretirement" (even though the DP had announced publicly before the whole district last month that Aderman had retired). He was able to bring in enough supporters for another congregational meeting which asked him to come back. After "much prayerful deliberation" on his "call" he immediately accepted. And immediately after that Fairvew shrunk by another half dozen or so families, with no doubt more to follow.

So if we thought we were done with Aderman, we were fooled. Not only that. I just opened the August issue of FIC to see that it features the first article of a ten-article series by Aderman on the Ten Commandments. And once again a major Shrinker gets major billing in the FIC.


Leadership (Past and Present)
Pastor, Trinity Lutheran, Englewood, FL
Member, Board for Parish Services, South Atlantic District
Director of Development, Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee
Chairman, WELS Lutherans for Life-metro-Milwaukee
Pastor, Siloah Lutheran Church, Milwaukee
Member and chairman, Board of Directors, Wisconsin Lutheran High School
Pastor, Fairview Lutheran Church, Milwaukee
Founding member and vice chairman, Board of Directors, Calvary Academy, Milwaukee
Coordinator, WELS Southeastern Wisconsin District, Adult Discipleship Commission
Member and vice chairman, Church and Change
Chairman, Urban Pastors' Conference, Milwaukee
Circuit Pastor, Barnabas Circuit, Milwaukee

Face the Facts, Northwestern Publishing House
Elijah, Northwestern Publishing House
Esther, Northwestern Publishing House
Editor, YouTHINK
Founding editor-in-chief, LivingBold (
Contributing editor, Forward in Christ magazine
Author for Partners magazine, WELS Leadership magazine, Forward in Christ magazine

Bachelor of Arts, Northwestern College
Master of Divinity, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
Master of Journalism, Marquette University
Certificate of Website Design, University of Wisconsin-School of Continuing Education
Master of Practical Theology, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary (in progress)


GJ - Dost thou doubt FIC being the Xerox room for Church and Chicanery? I knew it when Latte LutheranChurch (Randy Hunter) was featured in a glowing article.

If I were getting a subscription to the magazine, group or single, I would mail every copy back, addressed to the Synod President, giving reasons why. Canceled subscriptions would be a good message too.

Readers have been paying money to support Chicanery leaders, and the publication gives credence to Chicanery views copied from Fuller, Willow Creek, Granger, Drive, Exponential, and that space cadet Leonard Sweet (Kelm's guy).


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Breaking News - Aderman Is Back in His Parish and ...":

Once again the pastor is not held accountable for his actions. I wonder what guilt trip was laid on the congregation to take back Jim Aderman as pastor. Almost certainly it was rationalized as a face saving measure for WELS while Fairview members needed to be humbled. The pastor must reign supreme even if useless and remiss in his duties.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Do You Really Think Your Recycled Slime Is Dauntin...":

>>If anything good will come out of this though, perhaps now more and more people can see just how wretched and dangerous the Church & Changers are--stopping at nothing to destroy anyone who would dare oppose their demonic teachings.<<

Actually the C&Cers are control freaks who get off on subjugating others.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Breaking News - Aderman Is Back in His Parish and ...":

Mark my words. Fairview will lose half of the remaining members due to taking Jim Aderman back as pastor.


DK, with fervor has left a new comment on your post "Breaking News - Aderman Is Back in His Parish and ...":

What, besides promoting Enthusiasm broadly as possible in the WELS, has Aderman done?, specific to Fairview?

Maybe I'm unaware of where to look, but after having searched Ichabod I was unable to find any information. (besides promoting Enthusiasm broadly as possible throught the WELS.)

Fairview has been a smoldering bed of Enthusiastic coals for 10 years at least. I went there in 1999, a period when I was being led down that path; Fairview was one of the 'hip' places.

So what has happened? Have the members at Fairview had an awakening of their consciences? Has someone been actively fighting Enthusiasm in Fairview? What Catalyst for the shift from pro-Aderman to anti-Aderman?

I for one would appreciate it if an anonymous poster (Fairview member?)would give Ichabodians the scoop.

I hope Pastor Jackson doesn't mind if I speak for all Ichabodians when I say that all conservative Lutherans here on Ichabod would like to extend warm and hearty encouragement to individuals who may be standing up to false teachers and errorists--take heart that though your plans may seem frustrated, God promises persecution to the faithful, and that through persecution you will be purified.

I encourage all Ichabodians to pray for those--at Fairview and many other places--who in spite of risk of being shunned, excommunicated, lynched, and otherwise defamed, continue to fight the good fight, bearing true witness to the truth, purity and Efficacy of the Holy Word of God.

God's Blessings!


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Breaking News - Aderman Is Back in His Parish and ...":

As a failed kamikaze pastor, Jim Aderman gets another chance to finish off Fairview. WELS leaders must feel like they are wonderfully forgiving. 

John 11 in English

By the twelfth century, iconography for Raising of Lazarus has changed as seen in the icon (image below) from St. Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai. Now a throng of people fill the space as well. Among the crowd Martha and Mary stand or kneel in prayer while individuals cover their noses disgusted by Lazarus’ pungent death smell. These icons much like the earlier mosaics encourage the viewer to study the image and experience the story as a participant in the crowd. The gold background represents heavenly space and time eternal.

John 11 Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha.
(It was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.)
Therefore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.

The Apostle John gives us a unique portrait of one set of relationships Jesus had. He was very close to Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. This miracle has several major messages.
  • This is the last straw for the Jewish opponents, who must stop Jesus, who is clearly what He claims to be - the Son of God and Savior.
  • Those who believe in Jesus see and comprehend His divinity, but that exousia enrages and frightens the opponents.
  • Lazarus is the forerunner of the death and resurrection of Christ, and visible proof of Jesus' power. So, they must kill Lazarus too.
  • The clamor and antagonism of Palm Sunday comes from the witnesses following Jesus and Lazarus from Bethany to Jerusalem, the crowds knowing of this miracle coming out to meet the throng from Bethany, everyone encircling the Messiah.

When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.

The timetable is set. This miracle will convert many people and cause an outbreak of Messianic rejoicing. That celebration seals Jesus' fate on Good Friday.
Now Jesus loved (agape) Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.
When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was.
Then after that saith he to his disciples, Let us go into Judaea again.

This behavior seems contradictory. Jesus loved all three siblings, so this was far more than friendship. Yet he deliberately delayed His trip to this family. After the delay, He announced His trip to Judea.

His disciples say unto him, Master, the Jews of late sought to stone thee; and goest thou thither again?
Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.
10 But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.
The tension is quite obvious here, only halfway through the Gospel. The Fourth Gospel is alert to the time sequence of events and shows us this began with cleansing the Temple, John 2. So the disciples are perplexed that He would go where the opponents were ready to kill Him. Since He was avoiding such open conflicts before, going into them was certainly a sudden change. Jesus' comment about this is not entirely clear at the moment, but He is acting in obedience to the divine plan. 

11 These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep. origin of cemetery from the word for sleep
12 Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well (literally, he is healed - or saved).
13 Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep.
14 Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.
This is leading to demonstrations that will show His power over life and death. Therefore, from God's perspective, given the immortality of the soul, death is but a sleep.
The religious frauds like to claim raising the dead for themselves. I have seen this in print and on TV, and they say it with great conviction.

15 And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may believe; nevertheless let us go unto him.
16 Then said Thomas, which is called Didymus, unto his fellowdisciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him.

Verse 15 explains the contradictory nature of this miracle. If Jesus had healed Lazarus, His dear friend, that would have been another miracle. This is the greatest raising of the dead - out of three. This miracle foreshadowed Jesus rising from the cave tomb, even the wrappings of death being laid aside.
The Objective Justification numbskulls are completely wrong. The resurrection is not for absolving the entire world, but to inspire faith in the Son of God.

17 Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already.
18 Now Bethany was nigh unto Jerusalem, about fifteen furlongs off:
19 And many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary, to comfort them concerning their brother.
20 Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met him: but Mary sat still in the house.
The delay meant that Lazarus was dead beyond all doubt, so the swoon theory of resurrection could not be applied. That swoon theory - for Jesus - is that He only appeared to be dead. That may strike everyone as nonsense, but many a career in theology has been based on nonsense, blasphemy, and avarice - just ask the Lutheran seminary faculties today.

21 Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.
22 But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee.
23 Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again.
24 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.
25 Jesus said unto her, I AM the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
27 She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.

This is the turning point in the miracle, because the meaning is so clear. Verse 22 is pleonastic, using God twice when once would do. "Ask of God, God will give." That is similar to a catechism explanation about prayer, so her faith inspires our faith. As the Word of God, this phrase moves us to pray for whatever concern we have, because there are no limits to what God can do.
This also shows the importance of the I AM construction, echoing the Angel of the LORD, literally the Son of God, identifying Himself as I AM to Moses in Exodus 3. Even more importantly, Jesus said to the opponents in John 8, "Before Abraham was, I AM."
The miracle, like the others, is based upon faith, and prompts faith in God. How anyone can use the Fourth Gospel to sell UnFaith is beyond me, but the entire Preus franchise does that.

28 And when she had so said, she went her way, and called Mary her sister secretly, saying, The Master is come, and calleth for thee.
29 As soon as she heard that, she arose quickly, and came unto him.
30 Now Jesus was not yet come into the town, but was in that place where Martha met him.
31 The Jews then which were with her in the house, and comforted her, when they saw Mary, that she rose up hastily and went out, followed her, saying, She goeth unto the grave to weep there.

The crowd is the opposite of the sisters. They go to see Jesus. Mary jumped up, rose quickly. The crowd thinks in terms of crying at the tomb. The sisters go to see Jesus. The whisper of one sister to another is a telling detail, which makes us think we are watching a video. We can see it happening in our minds.

32 Then when Mary was come where Jesus was, and saw him, she fell down at his feet, saying unto him, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.
33 When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled.
The true picture of grief and hope is before us. The sisters cannot help being upset with the Son of God. Others challenged His power or told Him to keep performing miracles to amuse and entertain them. The sisters know what He might have done and know He did not rush to come to the aid of Lazarus, whose name means "whom God helps."
Jesus Himself was almost overcome with grief. The words are hard to translate. Together they make more sense - a grief so great that He shook.

34 And said, Where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord, come and see.
35 Jesus wept.
36 Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him!
37 And some of them said, Could not this man, which opened the eyes of the blind, have caused that even this man should not have died?
The Bible, like the Confessions teach us the truth and they also portray falsehood and false teachers. This is also a picture of Christian grief. Believers know that Christians receive forgiveness and eternal salvation through faith in the Savior. But they still grieve.  Jesus - as the Truth - still wept for his friend.
The foolish crowd, always demand a miracle, accused Jesus -using His astonishing miracle of giving the blind man sight (John 9). Luther saw this truth - whatever is God-pleasing must be persecuted.

38 Jesus therefore again groaning in himself cometh to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it. 
Like Jesus' future grave
39 Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.
40 Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
41 Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.
42 And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me.
43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.
44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.
45 Then many of the Jews which came to Mary, and had seen the things which Jesus did, believed on him.

We can hardly miss how closely faith and resurrection are connected. Martha, who confessed a profound faith in God beforehand, could not imagine this miracle from the Son of God. Do not open the tomb, because his corpse has already decomposed and is putrid. Thus God answers before we start to ask, and gives us more than we can think or imagine (Isaiah, Ephesians)

46 But some of them went their ways to the Pharisees, and told them what things Jesus had done.
47 Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we? for this man doeth many miracles.
48 If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation.
49 And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all,
50 Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.
51 And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation;
52 And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad.
53 Then from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death.
54 Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews; but went thence unto a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim, and there continued with his disciples.
55 And the Jews' passover was nigh at hand: and many went out of the country up to Jerusalem before the passover, to purify themselves.
56 Then sought they for Jesus, and spake among themselves, as they stood in the temple, What think ye, that he will not come to the feast?
57 Now both the chief priests and the Pharisees had given a commandment, that, if any man knew where he were, he should shew it, that they might take him.

Thus the road to Calvary began with raising a rich man who had a cave for a tomb. The raising of this rich and influential man meant all the land would rush to believe in Jesus and come to Him.
Unbelievers are always afraid and act on their fears. They must silence Him by killing Him - and later we see - plan to kill the evidence, Lazarus.
The religious opponents of Jesus today are running the synods. They are afraid of losing their loot, their status as the great and wise. They are always alert about preserving their benefits, always blind to the Gospel.