Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Australian woman captures picture of enormous 2ft earthworm driven above ground by heavy rains

Australian woman captures picture of enormous 2ft earthworm driven above ground by heavy rains:

This is a mechanical earthworm,
very expensive and not easy to re-cycle.

"An Australian woman discovered a gigantic 2ft earthworm after it was driven above ground by torrential rains.

Kelli Mace posted a photo on Facebook of her holding the huge creature with two sticks after it emerged from the earth around Tamborine Mountain, Queensland, and it was soon picked up by Australian news outlets.

The area, which is covered in rain forest, is known for the massive species of worm, known as Digaster longmani, and which can grow up to 3ft long.

Paid content"

Supposedly they can grow to four feet,
the largest earthworm known.

'via Blog this'

Harvey Weinstein Synods Repent in Time for Reformation Anniversary

The Harvey Weinstein scandal has resonated with nominal Lutheran leaders everywhere. They came to a sudden realization that they were not Lutheran at all, which may be the root of the the carnal scandals in the LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic).

Herman Otten texted the Church of the Augsburg Confession headquarters to say:

"I have more time in retirement, so I began reading Paul's letters and a little of Luther. The Bible does teach Justification by Faith. I supposed I should stop promoting ELCA and Roman Catholic books, too."

Paul McCain, writing under a pseudonym, tweeted - "Luther was right. I was wrong."

SP Mark Schroeder sent this message, via his supervisor Mark Jeske, "No wonder I look mirthless. Luther said - You have as much laughter as you have faith. So true. I am trying now to make the COP jolly."

Jim Heiser, the Lord High Bishop of the ELDONUTs, sent this email - "The money was on Justification by Faith, so we made a profound change in direction some time ago. However, we are open to a nuanced, subtle approach to this difficult, grey area of Scripture."

Tim Glende simply said, "I am hoping you forget that Inuit Fidei goof I made a few years ago."

 I forgot that one - sorry.

Pope John the Malefactor joined the rush to repentance. "I was reading the Galatians Lectures by Luther, by mistake. I was trying to find my Schwan order link on the computer and landed on that book. Wow. Wow. You may have a point about Justification by Faith."

 CPH Reformation celebration.
Obviously this post is satire, because the synods are satirizing  the Gospel while working closely with ELCA
and aping them in dogma and practice.

Giving Away Books and Roses

Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant is apparently
the only book of its kind,
comparing three major confessions of faith.

I drove to headquarters to have a meeting with the supervisor of the area I teach - very basic English. I brought along - for show and tell - one volume of The Sermons of Martin Luther. This very kind lady is Roman Catholic, which set off a discussion about Luther versus the Church of Rome. However, the discussion changed when I mentioned how I wrote Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant - primarily so married couples who were Catholic/Lutheran would understand each other's background.

Once again, I repeated my observation that I did not know what priests and pastors were saying to accomplish this, but - "Catholics cannot wait to marry Lutherans and vice versa." She laughed and said, "Like my uncle."

Then she said, "That book. That is the book I want." So I am sending two copies of Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant. Maybe three. Books last and they get shared, too.

That is how all my publishing efforts work. I give away books and everything else written, by blogging and Ustreaming. When people want a quantity of books, I sell them at the author's cost. My supervisor could not believe a huge book like The Sermons of Martin Luther could be printed for such a low cost. Yes, publishers think they are minting money, which is why they want new hymnals all the time.

 Veterans Honor is the perfect red rose -
if only the stems were stronger.

Free Roses
Everyone is delighted with roses. I have taken bunches various places, only to see the staff divide them up and take individual ones for their own desks. That prompted two doctors to talk about God's Creation. As one said to me, "And I mean six-day Creation, too." I said, "But of course. Creation by the Word of God. John 1:3." He went to seminary, so he knew what I was saying.

My class last night requested a bunch for the fragrance of the petals. One is planning roses for her engagement and marriage, and she was saving dried petals for the lingering perfume. I began growing roses at the time growers were being challenged to focus more on fragrance. Now there are few with little or no fragrance, many with enough to fill the room.

One student wanted to pay me for roses, and I said "No, I give them away, no matter how many." That works out well. Nothing else promotes a feeling of well being so efficaciously and quickly. One of the four Esses brought over two of my vases. "Mom finally took out the last rose." Our grizzled veteran takes roses to his mother's grave, so he often gets them as well. When he calls my yard a jungle, I ask him how many roses he has.

 Easy Does It turns into various orange colors,
more productive than any other rose I have grown.

Roses start conversations in the neighborhood. Every single person is astonished that roses thrive without toxic chemicals. "I just follow the principles of Creation."

Rose season for 2018 has just begun. I will finish installing the collars around them for winter protection. I am already pacing off positions for the most productive new roses. My list includes -

  • Easy Does It
  • Mr. Lincoln
  • A strong, white rose - one that is good in a vase.

 The white John Paul II is photogenic
and looks great initially when cut,
but does not last in the vase.