Monday, April 15, 2019

ELCA Begins Debating Pronouns and Terminology for God

ELCA Female Bishops Posed for "She Is Loose!"

"Let's not get all excited," as they always say - just before the riot starts. ELCA debated terminology for the Holy Trinity before its radical incarnation. The Commission for a New Lutheran Church proposed no longer using Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. However the original terms (found in most Bibles) won by a vote of 33-30. ELCA officially began in 1987, so that was 32 years ago.

Now people are picking their own pronouns to use when others communicate with them and they are listing the "correct" pronouns on public websites, so this debate is already over. No matter what the bigwigs declare, as proven by 2009, the far left will do what they wish and once again turn the forbidden into the mandated.

As the ELCA women bishops have said in pubic, they have to stop blocking the work of the Holy Spirit.

Here is some material from Exposing the ELCA. I could link more articles, but a little bit is enough.

Posted on Ichabod - from She Is Loose, about their female bishops:
So trying to figure out, how do we be open to the Spirit and be open to the Spirit’s work? Because I’m telling you what, the Spirit is up to something …
 Amen. Yes, she is.
 … if we would just let her out.
Bishops: Let her out. Get out of her way.
Briner: Open the doors and let her out.
Bishops: She’s out! She is loose!

 Thrivent pays them to work with ELCA, and they are happy to do so.