Thursday, May 2, 2019

Next Three Books

Janie Sullivan has Luther's House Postils II and III, so they are very close to being done. Volume II needs a little adjusting on the cover.

The Path to Understanding Justification is roughly done, so I sent a PDF of the Q version. Yes, that happened by accident - or was it? - because the pain is coming to the Objective Justification snake oil salesmen.

People are becoming wise to the forgiveness-without-faith swindle that has decimated the Lutheran synods. ELCA felt it first and the others thought, "Oh boy. We can work with ELCA and share the loot and fancy conferences, but soak up all their members they are losing."

But that never happened. By fastening themselves to ELCA, like lint on velcro, they took on the same characteristics and the same doom for the faithless.