Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Another Hoot from WELS Discussions - People With a Sense of Humor Do Not Belong in That Sect

 "After all I did to get WELS the New NIV?"

A friend of a friend of a friend of someone at 2929 obtained a sneak preview of the bulletin for the ideal WELS funeral of the future. It will feature the Synod's best praise bands! We do not know the day, but we do know it will be just under an hour.
Screens: ON
Projectors: FULL BLAST
Earth and All Stars
WELS Connection
Selected songs from LAPPY
||:: THAXTED ::||
The message, delivered by Pastor Trendy
Passing the peace/blessing, for 10 minutes
The Distribution . . . of free copies of the NIV 2011
Offering (during viewing Your Time of Grace)
Then, Then, Then
Holy Communion (Individual Cups only and solely served by the vicar)
Now, Now, Now
The Eulogy (read over softly-playing Christian rock)
Area Lutheran High School Choir with non-WELS students sings selected popular music pieces
Screens: EXPLODE

 A direct quote from a WELS members, whose name I have forgotten.