Saturday, December 14, 2019

I Remember Pouncing on Lutheran Seminary Library Sales

The trick in Lutheran seminary library sales is to grab the great classics for a few dollars and brag about it. My library is more like a river than a storehouse.  I have grabbed books from Mordor and from Trinity ELCA Seminary, both places allergic to good books and hungry for the worst. But the old pastors who donated their books knew what was good, and the seminary libraries did not need - or want - extra copies of those.

Jacobs' Summary, Krauth's Conservative Reformation, and Schmauk's Confessional Principle were often mentioned and sometimes obtained. Most consider these three the greatest of the General Council era.

There are 2,000 editions of Pilgrim's Progress - No, 2001 editions now.

Are there too many Luther books in print? According to WELS-ELCA-LCMS-ELS, "Yes!" So they sell their false doctrine as devotion books and forget about Luther. ELCA has a long-time best-seller from way back, Day by Day, devotions from the works of Luther.

No Error! Missouri is infallible because her founder, Martin Stephan, CFW Walther, was infallible, but only when he formally declared doctrine, which was almost hourly.

 A CLC (sic) pastor said he knew nothing about the Means of Grace until I gave him an outline about the topic. Jacobs covers everything well, because he had a high regard for the laity. The little papists of today shout, "I studied Greek!" and show no evidence of that discipline.

Krauth was truly the Luther of his day. His polemical statements are hilarious and to the point.

"Do we admire anything about the Calvinists?"

Answer - "Yes! Everything but their doctrine."

Thanks to Alec Satin, we have his Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry, a library of ebooks, covering the famous classics and the little known gems. Those books are ideal for being portable on all devices, backed up by DropBox, iDrive, and other Internet services, and easily quoted.

I remember the days when I walked miles to school in the snow, barefoot, uphill both ways, without shoes. But the hardship I minded most was copying quotations accurately with a dusty book on my lap!

Alec could not sit on his ebook treasures for long. Once he had the experience of seeing Luther's House Postils in print, he began converting the ebooks into print books, as the Lutheran Librarian Print Books.

Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry for Ebooks.

Lutheran Librarian Author's Page for Print Books.