Monday, March 18, 2019

Books Are Arriving This Week - Including Some Gems from Luther's Sermons

Some people are getting John's Gospel of Faith: From the Disciple Jesus Loved this week.  Amazon will send separate titles in different mailings, which arrive at varied times.

Most of the orders should be received by the end of this week. If you have questions, write me at

December was the beginning of radiation for Christina, which multiplied doctor visits, tests, changes in medications.

I think most people are getting Calvin who expected it. Let me know if you were missed. I especially like to provide free extra copies for people who know others who might like the books. Gifts are given to provide them, so do not be shy.

 Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith is the latest.

Why Link Popular Old Posts?

Governor Jake Preus, Minnesota, with his wife
and sons Robert (left), and Jack - aka JAO II.

Why would I go over the stats on all the posts and list the ones with more than 1,000 view?

One reason is to track the views that do not register on the summary pages. I will write that up later.

One page had 100 posts and 0 views, 0 responses on all of them. Accident or social media scrubbing?

Another reason is to give people an idea about what was happening in years past.

The blog is so big, with 17,000 posts, that the founder himself cannot find old posts with a search engine.

Pastors may want to consider blogging all their sermons. The reach is unlimited. Sadly, some WELS pastors found themselves caught in plagiarism, so they stopped publishing a written text that could be checked in a minute by a web browser or by Turn It In.

I will post a few more links each day and finish with a navigation page for all the sets - one stop shopping for sound doctrine, UOJ blasphemies, and the scandals spawned by Justification without Faith.

 "And so are you." - That is a routine debate tactic in the LCMS.