Saturday, January 4, 2020

Twenty-Four Hours of Saturday Evening Post , Fireplace, Hot Cocoa with Marshmellows Enjoyment

Proof - Cat selfies should be banned.

The last 24 hours - how have they been?

I wrote about the oncology visit, which went as well as the diabetics visit. I left out our futile efforts to find the new diabetics location, on narrow roads, ravine bordered, that I truly loathe. We found it, so I said, "Fifty years of marriage and wandering around lost." Christina agreed by laughing a long time, too long.

I attend medical visits, which means I am up to date on everything and offer some observations. The medical people like that a lot. Although I do nothing beyond that - and driving - I find those days exhausting.

In the last 24 hours, I have had some great email exchanges with people. From yesterday to today I have worked on some publishing plans and the new class on Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress.

The part I like best is having a friendly exchange with readers. They are 99% friendly. Every so often there appears a snark from a pastor, but that goes down as a compliment. A bunch of us - perhaps small in numbers but energetic - think the old writings are worth sharing with the woke, digital, and leisurely younger generations. I enjoy taking their tools, like memes, and using them to invoke the hymns of the past, the writings of the truly great, and the deeds of noble warriors and martyrs.

Three things get me going in the morning - walking with Sassy, coffee, and emails from friends and strangers. I was delighted to find the new poster boy for Objective Justification editing Christian News. I call them OJ Stormtroopers because - following the first Star Wars movie - they shoot like crazy and never hit a target. But, because they keep offering the same half-chewed pablum each time, I get another chance to refute it.

 "This parish is peaceful once again, DP."