Saturday, January 4, 2020

Calvinist Phil Hale (Ft. Wayne) Enthroned as Christian News Editor.
Justification by Faith is "Satanic," According to Hale

Calvinist-Pietist Trifecta - Hale, Knapp, Calvin

"The LCMS, for the most part, has stuck with the orthodox language of Walther—that the entire world of sinners was justified in Christ when He rose from the dead. Since the days of the Wauwautosa seminary in early 1900’s, however, there has been a habit of leaving off “in Christ,” and changing “world”, to specific people or particular individuals."
Phil Hale, CN, January 6, 2020 - in an article with no Scriptural references at all.

"It is satanic that people like Gregory Jackson and Paul Rydecki have used misleading and complicating rational arguments, incorrect biblical interpretation, and misleading historical evidence to make this such a difficult issue to grasp today. They attack and obscure Scripture, rather than clarify it, though. (This is why they hate and refuse to deal directly with 2 Cor. 5:19, since it is so clear and helpful on this issue.) In the same way, the 1979 Kokomo theses were uncarefully drawn up to make light of and mock objective justification, not to defend it or help bring about a right understanding." 
p. 6, 11-04-2019 CN.

[ GJ - Like all OJists, Hale lies about the most basic facts. The first three Kokomo Statements came directly from WELS' JP Meyer's Ministers of Christ. The last one was included by WELS Pastor Papenfuss. The two families were kicked out of WELS for denying the four statements, an action affirmed by A. Panning when appealed. WELS-LCMS-ELS-CLC affirm Kokomo and then deceive people who see the statements correctly as blasphemy. I visited Kokomo, talked to both families, and received xerox copies of the WELS letters.]

Simple history - Walther taught Halle OJ, but Missouri and WELS did not. Missouri and WELS - officially and in print - taught Justification by Faith in the beginning.

The Walther-Pieper sycophants elevated both Pietists (Walther and Pieper) to status above and beyond the Scriptures and Confessions. Now this incestuous swamp of idolaters quote the endless  post-1930 publications of their own gang as proof of OJ. Scriptures alone? - no! - OJ alone is their slogan.

Check out the WELS Holy of Holies - their Essay Files. They have 60+ essays promoting OJ, wrongly labeling The Chief Article by sect gurus Zarling and Bivens.

2020 Justification by Faith Count
In the new issue, Justification by Faith - 0 times.
In the same issue - Objective Justification - 8 times.
Means of Grace, efficacy and efficacious - 0 times.

 Like garlic, Calvinism retains a certain odor. When faux-Lutherans spout their OJ verities, the garlic of Calvin hangs in the air - Justification by Faith is an odious phrase for them (but not for Paul or Luther). 2. The efficacy of the Word is never mentioned. 3. The Means of Grace - silence - but still that Geneva aroma lingers tellingly.