Monday, February 24, 2020

Lutheran Layman Responds to LutherQuest

Latest response from “Lutheran Layman”. Edit, post or not as you think best.
Hope you and Chris have a good day today.
The A Team

Thanks for posting the earlier question, “Is Justification by Faith wrong?”, and the answers from LutherQuest. For whatever combination of reasons, there seems to be a repeated accusation/false belief that Book of Concord/Confessional Lutherans who are not convinced of Objective Justification somehow consider their faith a work. Alan Lubeck implies this when he writes:
These justification by Christ crucified deniers deny one truth to pervert another truth. Salvation/justification is by Christ alone, By faith alone, by Scripture alone. Enough with trying to separate our justification from the atonement of Christ already.
Can anyone point to anything in the Book of Concord which states that faith is a work? Can anyone point to anything any BOC confessing Lutheran has ever said which implies that faith is a work? Nobody believes this.
So going back to Alan Lubeck’s statement, we all agree our justification can never be separated from the atonement. However, do we all agree that justification is not the same as the atonement? If we do not agree, then we can go back to our Book of Concord and find out which position is correct. They cannot both be right.
The implication of making the atonement equal with justification results in one of two errors. (Lito Cruz) The Calvinist makes the Atonement equal Justification, and so must limit the Atonement to explain why only some are saved. This is the false teaching of Limited Atonement. The Universalist says that when one is atoned for, they are automatically justified, and so all are saved.
What is the value of faith in either position?
Since we would all agree that faith is a major aspect of the Gospel and all through the Scriptures, there must be a big problem with the idea that the atonement and justification are the same.
This seems like it might be the heart of the difference. Maybe the Luther Quest crew will choose to speak to this.