Alan Lubeck
Senior Member
Username: 1431
Post Number: 2066
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Friday, February 21, 2020 - 4:31 pm:
If. Greg Jackson were the president of Coke-a- Cola (sic!) we might hear this: "We don't drink Coke with a cup, we drink it with our mouth." These justification by Christ crucified deniers deny one truth to pervert another truth. Salvation/justification is by Christ alone, By faith alone, by Scripture alone. Enough with trying to separate our justification from the atonement of Christ already.
[underline added by this patient blogger]
GJ - LutherQuackers have been all over the map, quoting and wisequacking and citing this and that, as if they have not been attacking Justification by Faith and venerating Walther/Stephan's OJ the whole time.
Can anyone name an OJ hymn in The Lutheran Hymnal? An OJ-tainted segment of the historic liturgy? Notice what a clever skein of wool they have pulled over ovine eyes. They love everything about St. Paul and Luther - except the doctrine of both.
Lubeck has been blunt and correct in distinguishing OJ from the Chief Article, in my opinion. Lubeck is saying - Do not separate OJ's Justification of the World from the Atonement! The atoning death of Christ is - for them - God's absolution of the world - without the Word or faith.