Friday, June 26, 2020

Great Compliment from a Fuller Fanatic

 WELS found itself swallowed up by the Kudzu Vine of Fuller Seminary dogma and gimmicks.

Someone on Facebook took issue with my gentle kidding about Fuller Seminary robbing denominations of millions of dollars.

This woman said, "Fuller Seminary has established world missions in 98% of the world. What fruitage do you have to show in your groups?"

I wonder how often people use the term "fruitage," a real word but rather stuffy, ya think? I gave her my favorite Fuller Seminary quotation, chapter and verse -

I answered that Fuller Seminary has wrecked and shrunken all the denominations. WELS-CLC-ELS-LCMS-ELCA have five things in common:

  1. Repudiation of the Augsburg Confession and the Book of Concord.
  2. An unholy love for evil Bible translations and bad hymnals.
  3. Anti-inerrancy.
  4. Universal absolution without faith.
  5. Shrinkage faster than a cheap shirt in a hot dryer.
 "Just deny it? Bill, you are a genius! I am raking in the money from WELS and all the other suckers."