Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Most Popular New Post - About the Senescent ALPB Online Forum's Champion Writer's Arrest.
Stetzer Is Being Read - A 12 Year-Old Post

Dec 14, 2008, 1 comment

 Discipline in the LCMS-WELS-ELCA-ELS means applying the lash - in love.

It should be a major news item in a blog, when an ELCA pastor who has posted 10,000+ times is arrested. The ALPB+ Online Forum, the Sominex of Lutherdom discussion sites, has ignored their own story. Pride is not something to keep hidden, or celebrated only one month a year. Charles Austin is quick to snap at anyone who questions the isms of ELCA; he is always endorsing the cutting edge. He should be first to discuss the inevitable, given his synod's alphabet soup, which ends with a plus.
From Seminex to Sominex, the ALPB Online Forum is definitely non-habit-forming.

They could even hat-tip with a slight name change - ALPB+ Online Forum, elegant and subtle.

+1. Dicipleship! Spelling don't count!

The other popular post is about Ed Stetzer, who copyrighted this magnificent four-color chart. I am not stealing it, selling it, or licensing it to my readers at a special discount. Manufacturing disciples - or diciples - is a serious business where the rules must apply.

When I saw this post popping up as popular, I thought about the millions of dollars gathered by the denominational experts who paraded their skills in making congregations grow. The opposite happened, yet they are collecting their professorships, their executive directorships, and the lecture fees ad infinitum.

How in the world can they walk around - shamelessly - when their work has plunged their supposedly conservative denominations into apostasy and pussy-footing. There is hardly a pastor today who will even clear his throat when the denomination makes another leap into error or beatdown the faithful.

 John Deere's motto was that he would not put his name on a product unless it was the highest quality. Why do rationalistic-pietistic sects put Luther's name on their product? They are stetzier than Stetzer. At least he is honestly dumb.