Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bro Stetzer Adds to Global Warming

Irrelevant but funny photo.

Dallas News Blog
Ten Tips for Missional Living
Ed Stetzer is a key official with the Southern Baptist Convention, and the co-author, with Philip Nation, of the new book "Compelled by Love: The Most Excellent Way to Missional Living." Here's Nation's "Ten Tips for Missional Living."...

Brother Stetzer is worred about the decline of the Southern Baptists.
The videos are here at Southern Baptist Voices.

Brother Stetzer knows how to fix the Southern Baptists.

Watch the Grinch look in the lens at the 25 second mark.
And Holy Baptism as "a cup or a tub" to laughter at 2:15.

Stetzer is a typical unionist so he is perfect for Church and Chicanery.