Thursday, September 24, 2020

LCMS-WELS-ELS Caught in Mainline Confirmation Bias

Objective Justification is the humor section of the Holy of Holies, the WELS Essay File. Some say "Files" but the original was just a file box. Scholars are divided. Although the essays have grown like kudzu vine in July, some unpleasant truths have been quietly dropped.


"Confirmation bias, the tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with one’s existing beliefs." (Britannica)

Sig Becker did not spend much time in the library, so he is an excellent example of confirmation bias, like Rolf Preus. Both bow the knee to Roman Catholic dogmatic principles. If enough pieces of irrelevant evidence can be gathered to support a dogmatic assertation, the curated evidence alone proves their case.

Becker's audience should have laughed out loud at his claim, found in the graphic. Most of them would have known the Gausewitz catechism, and they might have read Romans and Galatians. 

More importantly, the Scriptures only teach Justification by Faith, so Becker was really a Biblical moron, not a Biblical genius. 

Reading Rolf Preus' sophomoric sermon, linked below, I was struck by how much it sounded like a Roman Catholic homily, asserting official dogma rather than explaining the Scriptures. 

If the retiring generation is so hopeless, what are the younger products of Ft. Wayne like? We already know. They look at their first call and wonder where the Praise Band will fit best.