Friday, February 5, 2021

Unbelievable Biblical Text Rules - From The Bible Book

VI. Unbelievable Biblical Text Rules


            The Greek text behind the modern New Testaments does not exist anywhere except in the ever-changing minds of the text experts. The modern Greek New Testament is a jigsaw puzzle, not a uniform document. This approach goes back to text criticism in general and the Wescott Hort approach in particular. They kept their invented text a secret to all but the KJV Revision Committee, against the established rule for an unchanging text and modest editing of the English. They did not invite the world of Greek scholarship to see their work - until the moment the Revision was published in English. They published their new text the same year, and we are expected to think this was happenstance rather than a carefully constructed plan.

            However, we should look at the text editing rules, which are far more compelling than biographical information. When I was in seminary, I found a number of books on the topic in the clearance section of a Christian bookstore. I was intrigued by these rules at first, but soon I realized how self-serving and irrational they were. The apostates like to say, “The Bible did not float down from heaven. It is a man-made book.” There is no better description of the artificial, modern, man-made text and its editors.

The Text Editing Rules – in English


The shorter text is better.

Sinaiticus-Aleph and Vaticanus-B are the two manuscripts loved by Westcost and Hort, and they tend to drop words or shorten verses. If the shorter text is better, then we should drop words, phrases, and sections from the new Bibles. That facilitates the removal of the ending of Mark, the Johannine Comma, and the woman caught in adultery in John. Dropping of individual words is far more frequent than most people imagine, because we soon become used to what is missing or placed in a footnote. The favorite sources of Wescott Hort were Sinaiticus-Aleph and Vaticanus-B.

The best reading comes from the best source.

This issue was already decided, because the Minority Text with the fewest copies – now conveniently called The Standard Text – is constantly promoted by text critics, so the results are the best. This is circular reasoning, to say that readings that agree in Sinaiticus-Aleph and Vaticanus-B are the best because those two sources are known as the best.

The more difficult reading is preferred.

Difficult is defined as difficult for the traditional Christian, the believer. That makes any heretical text preferred because Christians have not taught that doctrinal lesson. Here we must draw aside the wizard’s curtain and expose him for pulling levers, blowing smoke, and shouting through loudspeakers. The activist Hort despised the Majority Text and loved finding samples that did not agree with traditional Christianity. This rule also assumes that Christianity was invented after a good teacher, a nice man, was killed by Roman soldiers and buried for good.  His disciples and Paul turned this into an ancient religion of miracles because Jesus rose from the dead “in their hearts.” That perfectly explains the ending of Mark at 16:8 – “for they were afraid.”

Manuscripts are weighed, not counted.

Does anyone see what they did with this? The vast majority of all New Testament texts belong to the Majority Text for a reason. Since “the best readings come from the best texts,” every modernist knows where to look and what to avoid. Thus the Majority Text is rejected by Wescott Hort and disciples for being the most accepted, the most used, the most familiar.

The Nestle-Aland GNT

This changes constantly, something Aland took pride in, perhaps because it is the toy of a few and no one can stop its influence now.