Saturday, May 1, 2021

Lenski - Everything Depends on What One Believes

Everything depends on what one believes. Believing a fiction, a fable, a false doctrine, a lie, a deception is no victory for the believer, but for the prince of this world. A few victories for him along this line and soon the enemy will have won the fortress. The conception is popular that we may give up this, that, and the other doctrine, as long as we believe the central one. But this is folly. These doctrines are not distant outposts which may fall and not effect our central fortifications; all of these are integral parts of the central fortification, and to give up any of them is to allow the enemy to make a breach in our central fortification. And what that means we need not say. Many preachers will be saved only as by fire. 1 Cor. 3:15...

Believing is no mere opinion, so that it makes little or no difference what one believes. It makes a world of difference in secular life whether what you believe is fact, reality, truth, or a lie. Trust the wrong bank and your money is lost. Trust the unsafe bridge, thinking it is safe, and you wreck your auto and kill yourself. Trust the tainted food or water thinking that it is wholesome, and you know the consequences. Trust false doctrine, and the results are according; trust not the Son of God and his blood, and you are lost, for there is no salvation except in him.

 From: Lenski. The Epistle Selections of the Ancient Church: An Exegetical Homiletical Treatment: A Series of Epistle Texts for the Entire Church Year. 1935/2021