Saturday, May 1, 2021

WELS Pastor Summarized the Sect's Problems in The History of Pietism by H. Schmid


“The Crypto-Calvinistic controversy shortly before the publication of the Formula of Concord involved Reformed theology trying to enter the Lutheran church. Ritschl, who dealt mainly with Reformed Pietism, shows the Reformed origin of all the various parts of Pietism. Pietism was Reformed theology’s attempt to get into the Lutheran church. Today we encounter the same thing in various forms, such as the Church Growth Movement.

In the 1570s, hidden Reformed roots had to be concealed, for as soon as they were exposed, the controversy was at an end; hence Crypto-Calvinism. Much less concealment was practiced in the case of Pietism. Reformed books and practices were openly recommended. Today we have advanced to such an extent that we can use Reformed materials, principles, and practices without harming our Lutheranism—or so we think. We think we can “spoil the Egyptians” of their useful practices while retaining a Lutheran emphasis on “using the gospel.” Hence this study of Pietism is necessary and useful and practical also today.”

Pastor James Langebartels, WELS Pastor and translator of The History of Pietism, WELS does not give the author's name on their website! Heinrich Schmid - author.

The Bethany (Little Sect on the Prairie) Bookstore does not sell the book.

Goodreads has the book, author, Heinrich Schmid, and information.

Schmid wrote The Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, which made the Appleton Alcoholics shriek in pain because of Justification by Faith.

The Glende gang accused of of "Inuitu Fidei" which translates as The Faith of the Eskimo, then cried out saying "Spelling don't count!" Four years of education at NWC and four more at Mordor - gone to waste.