Tuesday, May 25, 2021

From Luther to Tyndale to the King James Version


Luther’s Publications Mortally Wounded the Church of Rome


              Luther and the printing press arrived so powerfully that the Church of Rome could not kill, torture, imprison, and enslave Evangelicals fast enough to stop the Reformation. The Beast of Revelation[1] was mortally wounded and never recovered its full strength in promoting error in the name of Mary, Purgatory, the Mass, and the infallibility of the pope. One part of the Reformation miracle was the built-up hunger of people for God’s love, grace, and forgiveness through the Savior. The instrument of communication was the printing press, but the energy came from Luther’s writing. An expert in early publishing stated:

Gutenberg had produced an orthodox Latin Bible and he had taken advantage of a large market of printed indulgences. Luther launched the Reformation by an attack on indulgences and he dethroned the Latin Bible from the heart of Western Christendom, but he used the printing press as no one had ever done before. Over 3,700 separate editions of books and pamphlets by Martin Luther were published in his lifetime, not including Bible translations. This is an immense number for any one author, even by today’s standards. It is an average of almost two publications a week for most of his adult life. In his time, Luther was by far the most extensively published author who had ever lived.[2]


Luther, Melanchthon, and the Concordists


            Luther attracted and worked with brilliant men who wrote in harmony with him. Melanchthon was his younger associate from the beginning, an acclaimed scholar and editor/author of the Augsburg Confession and its defense – The Apology. Fifty years after Augsburg Confession, Martin Chemnitz and others collected doctrinal confessions in the Book of Concord, which included the Formula of Concord, 1580. Chemnitz was a student of Luther and Melanchthon, with the best qualities of most men. This second Reformation generation of Biblical scholars dealt with issues about false doctrine and defended clearly the Scriptural truths of the Reformation – Justification by Faith, the efficacy of the Word and Sacraments, and the inerrancy of the Scriptures. They began with the Three Ecumenical Creeds, included vital statements by Luther and Melanchthon, and created harmony (concordia in Latin) with a variety of issues in the 1580 Formula of Concord. However, the Reformation and the Book of Concord era have been neglected and supplanted by the insights of Zwingli, Calvin, and Robert Schuller.

Zwingli and Calvin, Alienation from the Word/Spirit Connection

Zwingli first - and Calvin later - appeared to agree with Luther, but they were not charter members of the Reformation, as many imagine. Chemnitz, in his Apology of the Book of Concord, compared the Calvinists humorously to tenants who claimed everything would be fine if only the landlords would agree to their demands. The Zwinglians and Calvinists eventually conceded their departure from the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace. Although they became bold in their disagreement with Luther, they became uncertain about forgiveness and salvation. For Calvin, God being sovereign meant that no one knew if the Spirit would be active in a given sermon, baptism, or Lord’s Supper. The emphasis shifted from the certainty of God’s Word in preaching, teaching, and the Sacraments (the Means of Grace) to hoping for results, shifting the responsibility to man.

Their dogma can be summed up as the rejection of the Holy Spirit and Word always at work together, not a small matter, but a breech. For instance, Zwingli mockingly stated that the Holy Spirit did not need a vehicle, like an oxcart, as his response to the Real Presence of Christ in Holy Communion. His rejection of the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, making them merely symbolic, caused the Anabaptists to leave and become persecuted and drowned by the Zwinglians. Calvin openly mocked the presence of Christ in both natures in Holy Communion, and he placed human reason above the Scriptures. That magisterial use of human reason was employed to judge, explain, and make the Word of God appealing. The magisterial use of reason made it man’s job to get the work done, a tragic departure from “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.”

1 Corinthians 3:5 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? 6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.


As The Other Side of Calvinism has shown so abundantly, all five categories of the five-points of Calvinism are disputed by its theologians, either one point or another. Ironically, when Lutherans abandon Scriptural certainty and clarity, they inevitably move toward Calvinism or allegiance to Rome.

            The effect upon translations is immense and difficult to correct, once adopted and deployed in millions of Bibles, church textbooks, and devotional booklets.

Tyndale Perfected in English What Luther Created in German

[1] Revelation 13: 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

[2] Christopher De Hamel, The Book, A History of the Bible, p 236, 2001.