Monday, May 17, 2021

Sassy Predicted Rain - And the Future of Lutheran Synods

 "This dog can leap with only three legs and predict rain better than our meteorologist."

Today begins our week of rain, with a slight prelude last night. Sassy seemed ready to go out the front door, so out we went. She will walk on snow and ice, and sit down in cold wet mud, but a drop of rain is torture to her.

I got Sassy down to the end of our property, at our neighbor's driveway, and she sat down, the skies above dark with threatening rain. The vet tech and her daughter stopped as they drove by, "Is Sassy staging a sit-down strike?"  I said, "She does not budge when she knows rain is coming." They laughed and drove on.

I retreated to the warm, dry house and Sassy eagerly followed. She reminded me of a similar warning from a Lutheran layman. "Covid finished off the synods, don't you think? They went after our parents' money and now they are targeting the Boomers. No one is left after that. The children of Boomers hardly go to church and they give almost nothing."

The immediate pain is being felt at the top. The LCMS and WELS staffed their palaces at the current income levels, a heavy burden for luxury. The more WELS staffers hired, the more votes gathered and sealed for each idiotic plan - from each grateful and loyal staffer.

WELS and LCMS spent millions for bright, shiny new buildings, much of it mined from Marvin Schwan's guilty conscience, the facts kept secret from the membership and clergy.
They dolled up their seminaries and colleges just before people became aware that online would favor those who needed to work full-time to decrease the debt piled up for an MDiv degree. 

Does anyone wonder how seminarians went to school long ago with almost no tuition and now face gigantic financial obstacles to get through? The answer is - the DPs and other parasites shifted the budget money to themselves, their glittering buildings, and their tax-sheltered benefits.

The Obama years taught many of us to avoid debt and live as cheaply as possible. What we buy owns us. That is why I told Ranger Bob I did not need a second vehicle or a four-wheel drive pickup to buy some dog food at the Walmart, one mile away. I can handle food, pharmacy, and medical within that mile, walking distance. 

The foolishness of the synods really comes from their trust in themselves, their distrust in the Means of Grace.