Thursday, August 12, 2021

If Sam Cooke Were WELS


 Apologies to Sam Cooke for stealing his classic song.

Don't know much about theology

Don't know much about the KJV

Don't know much about a Hebrew book

Don't know much about the Greek I took

[Chorus 1]

But I do know that I love WELS

And I know that if She loves me, too

What a wonderful world this would be

[Verse 2]

Don't know much about the liturgy

Don't know much epistemology

Don't know much about math, a bore

Don't know what a library's for.

[Chorus 2]

But I do know Church Growth principles

And if we all could learn more rules

What a Calvinist world this would be


Now, I don't claim to be an A student

But I'm trying to be C.

For maybe by being a C student, baby

I can win  a call for me.