Friday, November 12, 2021

A Little Rain in the Forecast - A Lot of Rain over Three Days.
Happy Hardy Bulbs


California Dreamin is one of those roses that people remember and talk about.

I got some clearance roses from Springhill. They were so carefully wrapped that I planted the small roses much faster than I opened them. I gave them rainwater from the barrel after planting, in case it did not rain that night.

Some rain was predicted, and we had big storm and at least one inch of rain. This morning, we had rain predicted, and it was dripping down slowly. Sassy needed her rain towel when she came back in. She always pauses for the wipe down.

Now the trees are changing color and the leaves are dropping. I am thinking of all the bulbs filling out and growing their roots for the big spring show.

One popped out (only one!) during the latest planting. The roots were out, all over the bulb, so I carefully replanted it. 

Here is a recycling project. We had an enormous pile of cardboard. Now all of it is spread over the backyard gardens where Hosta will be planted. Leaves will hold the cardboard down, with help from rain barrels. Humpback Whale Hosta is already growing next to the house.

 This hawk visited our garbage barrel bird feeders. Surprisingly, no birds came near!

 "Did I give you permission to photograph me?"