Friday, November 26, 2021

Voelz Commentary on the Gospel of Mark - A Soporific Tome Tied to Vaticanus!


Remember Tischendorf from the previous post?
He promoted Vaticanus, the "1500 year old codex" that had no children in all those centuries, kept safe in the Vatican, a bulwark for the truth, eh?

James Voelz' two-volume commentary on the Gospel of Mark.

I am reading the CPH Voelz commentary on the Gospel of Mark. He declared for Vaticanus (!?) as his main source for the Greek text  of Mark but is also willing to depart from some of the moderns a bit. So now we have the Voelz Greek New Testament.

So these genius, scientific commentators cannot agree on their modern Greek text but still cling to Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, to use them like hand-puppets.

Apart from the automatic subscriptions that CPH uses to float their new books, who would read something so egotistical and narrow that his own colleagues in Greek New Testament would fall into a coma?

As they say about gigantic biographies of famous people, "He left no unused note card behind." 

 Jeff Kloha taught at Concordia, St. Louis, until people began debating the text of the Bible. He left to head up the Hobby Lobby Bible Museum.