Friday, November 26, 2021

On the KJV versus the New KJV


 Black Friday is killing our page views, but people will be back tomorrow, right?

I am not KJV-Only, and I think few are. I am KJV-Best because all the others says, "We are almost as good as the KJV."

This is Doc Lito's post, which is below, on his fondness for the New KJV.

I have said for decades that the New KJV was far better than any other modern translation - ESV (just another RSV), RSV, New RSV, NIV, and so forth.

People really need to know how much they have been swindled by the NIV-ESV-RSV combine, which is weak in numbers but backed by the denomination's colleges and seminaries. I have heard that the New KJV is trashed as much as the KJV because the modernists want a platform attacking the divinity of Christ, faith in Christ, and the Trinity. The Westcott-Hort-Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament does that for the NIV-ESV-RSV.

My guess is that the New KJV is picking up its numbers from disenchanted NIV-ESV-RSV veterans. One poll showed the KJV demolishing the NIV-ESV-RSV, having 50% of the readership, another 10-12% going to the New KJV. That leaves little room for the Westcott-Hot fans, so named (by me) because they are hotter than Georgia asphalt for the fraudulent Sinaiticus (Aleph) and Vaticanus (B) codices. 

To paraphrase Dean Burgon on Aleph and B, the only way a tiny minority of the so-called evidence (Aleph and B) can overturn 95% of the manuscripts (the Majority Text-KJV) is by walking among the clouds with impossible theories and claims. 

No one has any explanation for the 5% (Aleph and B) having no descendants and 40% disagreement! with each other. Their stools have two wobbly legs. The modernists bitterly cling to Westcott-Hot because the duo's dishonesty and trickery gave the rationalists what they needed - a Bible without the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, the Virgin Birth, the miracles, and the Resurrection. 

The second edition of The Bible Book will give fair treatment to New KJV because it continues the Luther-Tyndale-KJV tradition of precise translation based on the best text. The Little Three gush money for their denominational partners, but think of this. 

In the past, the Christian Church guarded the Word, as Jesus Christ commanded time after time in John's Gospel. But now the money-making combines tell the denominations what their churches will get. The NIV even obsoleted itself so they could sell New NIVs to the same pinheads who bought the previous NIV. Uppity-ups like the Missouri Synod brag about using the ESV because it is 2% better than the NIV. Oh joy! Send me a case and bill it to Matt the Fatt.

Some of us are getting older faster, so the next two generations below us need to know why the KJV remains the standard, the best, and why no one should trust  a glory hound like Tischendorf who "rescued a 1500 year old manuscript from the fires at an Orthodox monastery." 

 Tischendorf got the rest of his Aleph to the Tzar, and put his name on it. He is a model for modern Lutherans, always working for the Vatican and Eastern Orthodoxy, loathing Luther.

 Tischendorf was sent to find Aleph and he spirited away a chunk of it to give to a Catholic king. It was pure white leather and supple, but 1500 years old. Yes, I believe not a word of it.