Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Why Are the LCMS-WELS-ELS-ELCA Enterprises Failing So Rapidly?
The Vast Majority of Bible Readers Favor the KJV Over the Cool Paraphrases.
Was Church Growth Simply Another Smoke Screen?


WELS and Missouri are probably disturbed that I knew so much about their bedmates in the LCA before I left.

The result of our Grand Tour of Synods - LCA, LCMS, WELS, ELS, CLC (sic), and a pinch of ELDONA - is a comprehensive knowledge of the main players, face to face, at meetings, at conferences. 

They did not all dump the KJV, the liturgy, Means of Grace worship, and pant for Church Growth by accident. Those were leaders who could not lead six drunks to the men's room at Hooters. Their spines were - and are - made of rubber, and their mouths are full of lies.

WELS put on the ultimate GA deception, pretend to be horribly retro while aping the LCA/ELCA 100%. I made sure Christian News ran the Snowbird article showing Chilstrom, Mischke, and Bohlmann as "leaders conferring." Naturally, WELS lied about the conference, just as they did about Archbishop Weakland later. 

 Someone really likes this photo, but I can't/won't remember who.

I figure the cool guys, like Wayne Mueller and John Lawrenz, and their counterparts in the LCMS-ELS-CLC keyed on the LCA/ELCA leaders and followed that lead. I think it was more a rejection of the truth than a desire to bring their sects into the 20th century. LB/AAL/Thrivent paved the way with loot for the leaders and programs from Fuller and Planned Parenthood.

What do they all have in common, besides throwing shade on the KJV and TLH whenever they can? They loathe Luther. They despise the Book of Concord, and they know nothing about either one.

 Yoder and Hesburgh in the same photo:
I have been places.

The LCMS seminaries are teaching the younguns to be Catholic priests, and the rest are teaching praise band mummery. Smells and bells are not the antidote for praise bands, they are just another version of entertainment evangelism (ala Fuller, Willow Creek, Glende-Ski).

People are witnessing a vast denominational movement into complete apostasy and catastrophic failure. There are many solutions. I bought a book and found out there is another seminary in Ft. Wayne. It looks as Lutheran as Mequon but they keep their clothes on. There are many more examples.

I am quite sure all the radicals will own the property and funds in the near future, but that will not help them.

 I never went to Fuller, but I did spend $35 on the sweatshirt. I wore it to a WELS shindig, and pastors glared at me. I explained, "I am just trying fit in with WELS."