Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Why Are So-Called Conservative Lutheran Seminaries Charging Exorbitant Fees for Teaching ELCA Dogma and Practice?


 Seminaries are literally seed-beds for young minds aiming at the ministry. Why give them weed seeds?

The new edition of The Bible Book: The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of God should light up the dimwits who pretend to lead and teach but only follow ELCA like lonely puppies.

The inglorious Preus revolution was a scam. They drove out Objective Justification master Jungkuntz so Robert and Jack Preus could polish their OJ in their new political roles. The biggest liars left and Seminex took over Missouri, WELS, and the Little Sect on the Prairie. They all pretended to have rescued their synods while making everything worse.

The apostasy took two channels - one to STS high church smells-and-bellsdom. The best hideout for an unbeliever is to spend his time getting measured for even more expensive robes and equipment. No wonder so many pope and go to Rome, semi-pope to Eastern Orthodoxy, or stay to ruin Lutheran doctrine and worship completely.

The other channel was Church Growth, which is a great way to burn money, make a lot of noise, and chase women. Their precious charts now look like the ski jumps at Snowbird - except for tumbling instead of soaring at the end.

The Bible teaches only one thing - faith in Jesus Christ - and the combined, conservative faithless seminaries cannot get that across. The faculty members are unbelievers, politicians who knew how to get a cushy job without irritating too many people. The students are victims of high tuition and the opposite of education. What they learned in church, enough to make them want to be pastors, is unlearned with great skill in sarcasm, humor, turning bums like Barth, Tillich, and Bultmann into seminary heroes. 

Does it bother anyone that so many Seminex graduates became ELCA bishops? The Missouri DP in New York became the ELCA bishop for the state. That is either comedy or tragedy.

The president of Mequon studied at Fuller Seminary and lied about it, but his gushy essay on Church Growth reeked of it - and he admitted the truth to friends.

The president of each seminary could get rid of all the modern Bibles with one little lesson. The RSV, NRSV, NIV, ESV, and others are based upon sterile parents, Aleph and Vaticanus, with no clear orgin and no children. Put away your Westcott-Hort, Nestle, Aland, and Nida - common sense will teach all but the densest. 

Ignoring the fact that both are fakes, and the Church of Rome has produced many of those, the funniest being the Donation of Constantine. During a pledge drive, people were putting their pledges in the plate, so Constantine put in his slip marked "Europe" and gave it all to the Church. That is the history class joke.

 Let's do another book from Genesis 19.

So, ignoring how utterly fake Aleph and Vaticanus are, or even allowing they are the best and purest, as Hort declared, answer this riddle - "Why did Aleph and Vaticanus not get copied if they were so good, so pure, so earth-shattering?" 

Answer - heretical and fake copies have appeared, but they did not multiply since the Christian Church of believers (not like the phonies of today) copied the good templates and kept up that practice until we had about 7,000 pieces of evidence with 90% or more belonging to the Majority Text aka Traditional aka Byzantine aka Ecclesiastical aka Textus Receptus.

If Sinaiticus really sat around for 1500 years, why was it a solo work with about 40% contradictions from Vaticanus? 

The Byzantine or Majority Text can now be traced back to the earliest days from quotations in the church fathers and similar sources. That means there was a continuous transmission from the Apostolic Age to now, while the Westcott-Hort darlings are sterile and questionable.

So the "conservative" seminaries are doing the work of Tischendorf and Westcott-Hort and making their money with one of the greatest confidence schemes of all times. No wonder Bernie Madoff (who made off with billions) thought we were easy marks. Our pew copies of the NIV, ESV, and RSV prove it how gullible, weak, and submissive the "conservative" pastors are. 

 Turkeys of a feather squawk together.