Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Ambiguous Fall Weather and - the Appetite

One things leads to another. Her love for a little ice cream had a strong effect on me - "just a little vanilla..."

Suddenly our warm days have become wintery and are suggesting rain for the next week. One reader asked about more on nutrition, so I will offer some experience.

The irony of appetite is that the more we crave, the stronger are the danger signs. Diabetics and pre-diabetics crave sugar and related carbos, usually the simple ones that challenge insulin more. Eating lots of candy all day, starting the day with ice cream - those are bad signs. 

However, the good news is that gradually reducing portions, desserts, evil snack foods, and poor food choices will decrease craving for those foods. I had two days when I indulged in ice cream and felt horrible, and when I had an annual donut binge - even worse. I use those memories to stay away from ice cream and donuts.

We all know crash diets work for a short time and make matters worse afterwards. This time I tried a slow replacement of desserts with oranges and walnuts. Oranges satisfy the need for sugars and walnuts quell hunger while helping the heart. 

I have been gradually increasing time at Planet Fitness, not trying for Charles Atlas (remember him?) in a few weeks. One expert says weight loss comes down to four words - more movement, less food. 

Sassy and I are regulars with eggs, either for breakfast or lunch. She works me over - and her special friends - for treats. Her game is to eat her Moist and Meaty throughout the day, with a few Pupperonis each time. She did this by placing her front paws on each side of the filled bowl and looking up at me. Her second approach is to walk into the kitchen, sit down, and smile. If she looks solemn, I ask her about treats until she smiles.

She and I take one or two walks a day. That is the single most important exercise for all of us. We often see neighbors and talk to them. I seldom see walkers, except at Planet Fitness, where they walk with speed and determination.