Thursday, January 27, 2022

Luther Anticipated the Invention of Objective Justification, As Promoted by Walther's Syphilitic Mentor - Bishop Martin Stephan - And Embraced by Loyalists in Missouri, WELS, ELS, CLC (sic) and ELCA

“This is the course that matters are wont to take with all heretics: first they get an idea that pleases them, that seems good and right to them.

“After they have conceived their idea, they go to Scripture, there to seek and to accept whatever may give it a good coloring.

“This is a very dangerous undertaking… In a word, they undertake to produce something special, to devise a faith of their own, without God’s Word, and to shape or form a special God for themselves, not as Scripture pictures Him but according to their own notions.”

From Plass. What Luther Says. p 641.