Sunday, February 27, 2022

Wescott-Hort Published Their Greek New Testament Secretly -
With No Source Material to Support the Radical Readings.
Everyone Was Expected To Agree with the Conclusions - No Proof.
Scholars Were Total Fools, QED - Today's ESV, NIV, RSV etc.

 These men were close friends for decades, but neither one was a believing Christian or scholar.

The so-called scientific attitude created Westcott and Hort, so their blunders might have easily been repeated by others. Tischendorf helped the cause earlier by having the same attitude - highlight the extraordinary claims - "Oldest Bibles in the World," Sinaiticus and Vaticanus - and let people enjoy the thrill.

Tischendorf's lies about Sinaiticus and Vaticanus suggest a lifetime of deception, self-adulation, and misrepresentation.

The Westcott-Hort method provides the "best possible Greek NT text" without any kind of proof except their insistence on it. Now people realize that all their theories are empty and without substance. The juggernaut has moved forward, so no one dare question the great and might squads who favor W-H, defend them, and attack any questions about their work.

Simply put, their Greek text of Mark starts by omitting "the Son of God" in Mark 1:1 and eliminates the Resurrection of Christ by erasing Mark 16:9ff. 

Yes, I know that the elimination of "the Son of God" did not make it into far, but the original omission stands to this day in Greek.  And we all know that the ending of Mark - 16:-9-20 - floats up and down and often has no break or only a hint of one. Nevertheless, the great and wise know that their W-H Greek New Testament begins by denying the divine Sonship of Christ and eliminates His Resurrection. 

There are many ways to soften the blow, but the LCMS, no less than ELCA and WELS, is keen to equivocate about every detail and perhaps respond by declaring critics "backwoods rednecks with no edumakation," the last word fitting their humor.

Lutherans thought they were fighting a Holy War when they took on Seminex, Jungkuntz, and his Metropolitan Community Church. The Seminex faction dug in, like 17 year cicadas, happy to come out and reproduce. And they have!

Seminex now controls the LCMS, ELS, Calvinist News, LutherQuislings, WELS, and the ALPB Ovaltine Forum. Ask if any those leaders tolerate the Tischendorf-Westcott-Hort Bibles. Then add the CLC (sic), and ELDONA to the list. 

The job is complete - all of them caved in to the jigsaw puzzle Greek texts from hither and yon (the Vatican - B - and a known forgery - Aleph). 

 My father (silhouette) helped build the Wharton Field House as a laborer. My mother is holding my older brother and sister. I am on the way.

Picture this - Wharton Field House in Moline, one of the largest still in the Midwest. My father helped build it - and it seats 7,000 people. Let's take that many people, each holding a token of the Majority (Traditional or Byzantine) Text witnesses. That can include translations, lectionaries, etc., so the total is often listed at 7,000. 

On the center court, put five beautiful, distracting cheerleaders - to sit on folding chairs, each holding a token for each witness to the Sinaiticus-Vaticanus faction. 

Someone runs out of the locker room and yells, "What about Codex Alexandria?" Another yells back, "Shush, the Four Gospels are Majority Text in Codex Alexandria. It's bad enough already. Be quiet!"

A couple of professors come out, stricken by the beauty of the young cheerleaders and declare -
"The 7,000 Majority Text witnesses lose  to the Oldest and Best Examples of the Greek New Testament. Let us all thank God that one man, Count Tischendorf, university drop-out, gave us this treasure. And thank Stalin's memory for his generous offer to sell Sinaiticus to England."