Sunday, May 29, 2022

A Time To Print and A Time To Water

The wind is blowing steadily across the gardens, so I decided to water the front rose garden and the two backyard gardens. Rain is expected Wednesday, but I want the newcomers to have enough water. Yes, I am watering weeds - a few new Joe Pye weeds, some butterfly weeds and milkweeds. 

People took milkweed for granted, even though it is the only plant for hosting Monarch butterflies. Now people urge gardeners to plant milkweed and other butterfly friendly plants. I am happy to comply with their wishes. 

My mother brought home some milkweed from the streets of New Ulm, gave orders for securing a big glass jar, and proceeded to feed them until the jade coffins with golden nails released new Monarch butterflies.

I had some time on my hands, waiting for the water-hose changeover, so I published a book, the circulation small but appreciated. Now people can design and publish a hardcover, full-color book while watering the garden. I like for that.