Friday, July 15, 2022

Berkley Center - Georgetown Jesuit University - New Wartburg ELCA Seminary President




Comparative Theology, Constructive Systematic Theology specifically Feminist Theologies & Liberation Theologies, Buddhism, Hinduism, World Religions, Animal Theology, Literature & Theology

Louise Johnson was an earlier Wartburg president. She lost a lot of weight and gained an honorary doctorate from the college, which may explain the lopsided smile.

Profile, Pronoun Pratfall

"This individual is not a direct affiliate of the Berkley Center. They have [she has] contributed to one or more of our events, publications, or projects. Please contact the individual at their [her] home institution.

The Rev. Dr. Kristin Johnston Largen is a professor of systematic theology at United Lutheran Seminary. Her focus is on comparative theology with Buddhism and Hinduism and 21st century theology, specifically feminist and liberation theologies. She is the editor of Dialog: A Journal of Theology, and her most recent books are Finding God among our Neighbors, vol. 1 & 2 (2013, 2017)."

 Luther was mocked at Wartburg ELCA Seminary, where students added the fish-hat and cope.