Friday, July 15, 2022

Why Is Calvinist News Promoting the Stephan-Walther Cover-Up and the Westcott-Hort Bleck Bible?

Various publications, starting with Zion on the Mississippi, have shown that 

  1. CFW Walther and his hyper-Pietistic circle obeyed Bishop Martin Stephan 100% and 
  2. stayed quiet about Stephan's harem of young women.

The Walther cult created a riot by lying about Stephan's mistress confessing her sins, after one of them gave a sultry and provocative sermon. They later admitted that sermon-confession story was made up. She was loyal to Stephan to the end of his life.

Stealing all of Stephan's money, land, books, and personal belongings made the Walther cult rich and influential.

 Walther never departed from the Objective Justification he learned from Stephan. CFW made sure his puppet Pieper became the new professor at Concordia Seminary.

How is CFW Walther worthy of having his Pastoral Theology promoted by anyone?

Dr. Walther Maier was a scholar and a pastor. He created media evangelism with his powerful radio sermons. He taught the opposite of Herman Otten, CFW Walther, and Phil Hail.

 I had to check the caption - this is actually Matt the Fatt Harrison. Who is minding the store when he is enjoying his synod-funded meals?

His royal OJist, Richard Jungkuntst, PhD, was 100% loyal to OJ, Seminex, and the alternative campus shared with that bunch, ultimately ELCA.

 This is the tombstone of Ed Preuss, OJ scholar still honored today by OJ nitwits. He joined the Church of Rome. Does this start to sound familiar? Richard Neuhaus, another LCMS hero, another OJist, became Father Neuhaus and lectured his fellow alumni on becoming Catholic.

 Otten published this, but he did not believe it. The Preus brothers leaned on their Norwegian Pietism to pump up Objective Justification, which happened to be the theme of Seminex too. The Missouri Synod genuflects to Rome daily, rejecting and repudiating the Chief Article - Justification by Faith - and drop-kicking the inerrancy of Scriptures. They love their Westcott-Hort: just ask CPH, CN, and other dens of thieves.