Thursday, July 7, 2022

Why Is the Fat Food Group the Most Promoted One?

Yes, I am still losing weight and improving what I eat, with some meat, lots of greens, beans, vegetables, and fruit.


The key component of the American sugar-salt-fat diet is fat. The first two parts, sugar and salt, are too obvious to ignore, so the fat component remains ideal for gaining and maintaining too much weight.

The highly promoted fat group starts with milk. Ice cream is so profitable and appealing that they deliver it to our doors.

Sadly, fat is quite overwhelming in milk, cottage cheese, and cheese. Those cheese sandwiches are really satisfying because of the cheese, butter, and bread. Salt is prominent, and the sandwich can be enhanced with jelly or honey. Don't ask how I know.

Eggs are high protein, but also high fat, often cooked in fat or made more delicious with butter, which I understand is 100% fat. That is why I stopped buying bread, because it is a gateway drug for butter. Or is it the other way around? 

Fat adds up easily (with salt and many kinds of sweeteners) in all our snack foods. We may have seemingly wonderful plans while including plenty of fat with the fatal partners - too much in the sugar group and omnipresent salt.

The simple alternative is a new but old way of eating. Walmart has gigantic rows of snacks and one devoted to candy. Candy is opposite frozen vegetables at our store.

Snacks and candy are manufactured, quite expensive, and fattening - no nutritional benefits.

Frozen vegetables and the produce area (fruits, vegetables) are low in cost, low in calories, and very nutritious. The last part was my gigantic blindspot, because the healthy American diet is long on protein, fat, and salt. 

The parents of Boomers grew up on fresh vegetables, some meat, no sodas, and plenty of fruit. Dr. Joel Fuhrman is a bit extreme at times but simply true to our rural heritage, which is also how poor people around the world - and in America - have eaten with great success.


ELCA's Liz Eaton went to Harvard and re-imagined the English language, NIVish.


Exposing the ELCA


 Bishop Johnson is the Mega-Bishop of the Canadian ELCA, named ELCiC. "I get no kick from ELCA. Mere alcohol don't help me at all. So tell me why it should be true, I get ELCiC out of you."

"Not funny, fat-heads."

Bishop-for-a-Year Megan Rohrer has 36 payments to C. M. Almy left before her robe, stick, and fish-hat are debt-free. They is an Augustana College graduate.

Trinity-Hamma featured at various times - Loy, Leupold, Lenski, and Lenker, but now they cannot even buy a seminary student. Why?

Bishops and Presidents Grow in Office

 Bishop Larson, one of the first, grew in office, paving the way in ELCA leadership.

Unqualified Wartburg Seminary President Johnson, grew in office, as proven by an earlier photo.

 They gave her an honorary doctorate on her way out.

 Robin Steinke, the early years.

 Luther Seminary donated Latini in the search for a Gettysburg-Philadelphia Seminary president. Steinke got a shrinking seminary and Latini became the travel agent for a huge, hollowed out church.

 Theresa Latini was a Presbyterian professor at Luther, which made her ideal for erasing Philadelphia of its history of great Lutheran theologians. Was it karma or unionism? 

Philly-Gettysburg Seminary President Guy Erwin began life as an Osage Indian, leveraging that to professor, insta-pastor, insta-bishop, and insta-seminary president. He met the primary requirement - sharp clothes.

 "Brett, I told you things would get better, several years ago, and I see it happening now."

 These ELCA clowns were chosen by Mark Jeske (faux-WELS) for one of his gaseous Change or Die! conferences. Being stupid does not keep them from being underhanded.