Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Long Live Matt the Fatt and Mirthless Mark Schroeder - History Will Judge

50% of her bishops in ELCA have broken the teaching of the Pastoral Epistles, but that is no problem for WELS/LCMS.

Nothing expresses Lutheran apostasy better than this Photoshop. I am not sure of the date, but it was at least 50 pounds ago for Matt and 30 pounds ago for Liz.

The Lutheran synods have moved relentlessly against the KJV Bible, promoting the ridiculous Evil Four - RSV, NRSV, ESV, NIV. Three of the Evil Four are licensed children of the National Council of (Marxist) Churches, which should give anyone pause in buying a Bible or joining ELDONA. The New Testament of the Evil Four plus Beck are so bad that they disagree with each but agree about erasing verses and words of the New Testament with nothing more than "older texts are better" without naming those sources.

If one house is older than another, is it better? Would a home buyer say, "This lacks a bathroom and safe wiring, but it is older and therefore better"? The Evil Four plus Beck do not give away their corrupt and favorite sources -
  1. Vaticanus, a late translation from Latin to Greek! and
  2. Sinaiticus, a known fraud "found" having pure white leather and known to have been manufactured in the 1800s.
I buy a lot of Bibles and look over the various translations and extras. All the Bibles with special reference sections charge for that deluxe addition. Bible printers seem endless, and their special editions are aimed at every possible demographic - teens, women, etc. 

Alec Satin relayed a quote from Luther - that using God's Word and not teaching it correctly is the worst kind of blasphemy. And that is the position of Lutheran synods today, pursuing filthy lucre selling atrocious translations because their schemes have all failed.

That is why I wish a long lifetime and re-elections for the Big Three in the photograph. The Lutherans are completely enchanted by
  1. Karl Barth and mistress Charlotte Kirschbaum,
  2. Rudolph Bultmann,'
  3. Quickie D.Min. degrees so they can emulate Larry Olson,
  4. Fuller Seminary tactics, and
  5. Trinity Divinity ... wait there's more...
  6. The Church of Rome, its crafts and assaults,
  7. Eastern Orthodoxy as the halfway house for papists, and 
  8. Calvinists denying efficacy of the Word and the Means of Grace, plus
  9. Entertainment Evangelism.
  10. Thrivent loot, keeping the officials fat while capturing the estates of widows to fund their ridiculous ecumenical follies.
The Big Three synods are so impoverished now that they work together closely while denying that their buddie synods are equal to their sanctification - or rather - sanctimony.