Thursday, March 30, 2023

New Plan for the Daily Luther Sermon Quote

I started with the idea of putting a Luther quote in the masthead. Lutheran Librarian Alec Satin asked for the quote being in the main blog because of RSV software giving him Internet feeds. 

The masthead quote became cumbersome because that section only accepts code, Google's pet version of HTML code.

To speed up the quote generation and leave the masthead alone, I linked the daily Luther sermon quotation at the top of the left column - the "sticky posts" suggested long ago by a reader. 

I am a Luther's Sermons quotation addict. I first collected my favorites from the first four volumes of Lenker (out of 8 at the time). I used IBM's ProFile software. Christina thought that was enough quoting. 

Later, when the gang published all 8 volumes - in color, black and white, Word, PDF, and Kindle - it was easy to post an entire sermon on the blog for the upcoming Sunday. Christina was all for the publishing. Everyone involved got a rush from participating. Norma A. Boeckler provided a wealth of graphics on Luther and his work, cover art and volumes as well. Virginia Roberts enjoyed editing and finding the strangest and funniest typos in the original Lenker edition. 

I appreciate the daily Luther quotation because I learn something every day from it.